Not Quite Parallel

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  • Dedicated to Rayna :)

I'm not quite sure about this one so any comments would be very helpful. Oh and check out the video, it is soooo fitting for this story!!



I come from a world exactly like yours.

The trees sway with the breeze, and the sky turns red if the next day is sunny. Where the ground beneath our feat can quiver and shake and people are made not by their strength of character, but by the gun they hold in their hands.

Only in my dimension; the world speaks back to us.

We do not litter, for the trees would yell at us until we picked the rubbish up and threw it in an all too self satisfied garbage bin. When we buy animals, the sheets telling us what breed and gender they are, also enlist personality traits; because the animals speak too.

My world is different from yours because we each have a symbol. Very alike to totems, like in the movie 'Brother Bear'. Yes, we even have movie theatres as well.

Our symbol represents a talking object that each person when they come of age, when they turn sixteen, they will leave home to search another dimension for their specific talking symbol.

These journey's can take weeks, months, years. Some never come back.

When I look to my sixteenth birthday, I don't see a Sweet Sixteen party banner hanging above the flat screen TV (Yeah we have those too).

No, I see me bidding my Mum and Dad goodbye, and shouldering a backpack loaded with or own advanced technology.

I knew where to start. It was the place not quite parallel to own world.


Where the trees do not whisper to children as they dream; where your cat can sense that something has gone wrong in school, and comes to make sure you feel better. Where wind and water dance together, alone in their space of loneliness and healing. Where the ground beneath the very house you sit in cannot even tell you how lonely and in need of a friend it is. 

Where fire wants to play, but is unable to speak the words of apology and condolence for burning down your home.

Not Quite ParallelWhere stories live. Discover now