{17} For Your Own Good

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SO just giving ya'll another chapter because I want to finish all these stories that are like half done but not really so reintroducing the new priority story, Not Quite Parallel. It's also because after I finished Guidelines I love the feeling of finishing stories it's a sweet tasting kind of victory that I can easily become addicted to.

Please comment!


rEaD oN :P



“Rory look at this,” I hold out the list to her, and she takes it with a confused expression.

As she reads it, Rowan sashays up behind her and peers over her shoulder, reading the paper with her.

“Guys what is it?” Blythe calls, looking up from her milk.

“It means that the Kiaran people have been ready for war since they were established.” Rowan shakes her head and slinks back over to her corner.

"Damn, we really need to get back and warn them. They're so under-prepared it's embarrassing." Rpry hands the paper back to me, "And you. You're just as underprepared as they are."

My eyes widen in shock, "Me? Underprepared?"

She nods firmly, getting up and getting a bundle of papers off the console, "okay you've memorized the steps. Time to put them into action once and for all."

I hate to say it but- "I'm confused." 

She grins, and then the papers in front of us catch fire.


"Later maybe?" 

If you need anything let us know. With a giggle the flames click out of existence. 

I cross my arms, "show off."  

Hours later, and I'm no closer to success, it's like something's blocking me from doing anything useful. 

I concentrate on the piece of paper in front of me, loosing my temper again and ripping it into even smaller pieces. 

Rory giggles, "You'll get it eventually. It's in your blood." 

I screw up my nose, "When? If I'm going to fight in this war, then I need to be able to help." 

Blythe head-butts my knee, "What was step three again?" 

Almost simultaneously Rowan, Rory and I spout off step three; "Clear your mind of all thought, try and picture a dark tunnel with the fire at the end, if you can get to the end of the tunnel then you can try and produce fire." 

Blythe blinks, "Just keeping you on your toes," then retreats to her nook. 

"I give up! I'm never going to get this!" I glare at the paper as if it killed my Dad. 

Something tweaks in my stomach, and a small spark dances across the paper before going out so quickly that almost think I imagined it. 

I gape at the paper, taking a deep breathing in the smell of singed paper, "Did I do that?" 

Rory looks up from a reading the Kiaran Servant list for the fourth time, "Let's say yes okay?"

I stand up and jump in excitement, "Finally!"

Rory and Rowan giggle while Blythe remains unimpressed, "It's just a little fire, nothing to get too psyched by."

"See Blythe, that's where you're wrong." Rory takes her feet off the console and sits across from me, "Now that she knows what it feels like, in here-" she brings a hand to her stomach, then moves it to her heart, "she can replicate it. It's simple science."

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