{3} My First Day

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Here is a whole new chapter! Still a bit so so about this whole story, I don't get where it's going! I know authors are supposed to plan like mad people, but this is an exception for me. I'M NOT USED TO WINGING THINGS!!! Oh well. And thanks to NurFiqahZid for doing my cover again, she is amazing.

Pic of Rory on the side.



Standing on the threshold of Greenewood Collage, I can think only of my symbol, and why the stupid compass is leading me here in the first place.

Blythe reassures me that only the High Cat Goddess knows what the universe has planned for us on earth; And to an extent, I believe her.

But staring into the faces of curious students around me, I have nothing in my heart but anxiety and dread.

Blythe and I faked our way through the enrolment process, trying to go for the sympathy vote of the two orphans. They believed us for some weird reason, I don't know what will happen if we reach Parent-Teacher-Interview day, but hopefully we won't get that far.

Blythe advises me to think only of the task ahead, and everything will come together in the end. You know cats and their buried optimism.

Together, Blythe and I walk up the steps to reception. Where the lady whom we spoke to on the phone sits typing away on her computer. To them it must be fairly high-tech, but to Blythe and I, it looks like a brick.

"Hey, I'm Rayne, and this is Blythe. We spoke to you on the phone?" I smile at her.

She turns to us as she plucks two pieces of paper off her desk, "Alright, here are your diaries, your map is marked with a posted note, and here are your timetables. We put you in the same classes together, by the way, we thought that your situation warranted you to be together in every class." She smiles encouragingly and picks up her phone to dial a number.

"People are sooo gullible." Blythe whispers in my ear.

I suppress a giggle. That's something I've noticed here; people generally believe what you tell them.

"We have some girls in your year coming up to escort you to your house. Number seven you're in. These two girls are both in most of your classes, so you don't have to walk around with your noses in a map all day." She puts the phone down and gestures to a couched area, "you can wait for them over there. Good luck." She gives a last smile and turns back to her computer.

I dump my bag on the floor and sit with my legs crossed on the couch. Blythe refuses all together to sit and just paces around the waiting area, looking at various pieces of student artwork.

I pull out my timetable, today is a Monday, and apparently it's week one so today we have: Sport, English, Music Performance, Dance, Computer Technology and lastly Math's. Blythe and I chose electives that are easy and would come naturally to us.

Two girls materialize in front of us, both look completely opposite to each other, but wear the same funny grin, like they're sharing a private joke.

The tallest one has a bulky frame. Wide shoulders paired with big boobs and muscled legs. Her face is heart shaped and covered in freckles. Her eyes are what I would describe as a wishy-washy brown, and her hair is silky, long and orange. Every strand a different shade. She doesn't wear makeup; it would wreck her image of natural beauty.

The smaller one looks to be average height, but compared to her partner in crime, she's tiny. Her hair is curly, light brown, and short. It sits at ear height. Her frame is delicate, like mine, only she is taller than me, so my childish built looks willowy on her. Her eyes are freckles of hazel, brown and green. And her skin is tanned. She doesn't wear makeup either.

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