{11} Deal or No Deal

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We must look like a circus parade, marching up the hill to the Council-Hall. 

We have Indi, who is one of us, but hasn't been here before.

We have Hugo and James, full humans, who shouldn't be here in the first place.

We have Rory, who is half one of us, and who is infected with an old viral plague that hasn't been seen here in one hundred years. Then we add onto that, Blythe (who everybody seems to know about, and is afraid of), Rowan -a smaller cheetah with green eyes- and Max; an overprotective and silent wolf with a penchant for snarling at everyone.

However strange this planet his, people haven't seen anything like this before. 

Oh and I forgot to mention being escorted by Cyan, and six burly council-members. 

Silly me. 

We must look like a damn circus.

This cobblestone path is one that I've walked many times, the lanterns adorning the street give the singing birds a nice perch, and the small trees watch us in rare silence. It's as if they know that we're marching off to something dreadful. 

The trees are never silent. 

Halfway up the hill leading to the Council-Hall, Rory sits down hard on the ground. 

"I'm good here guys", She comments in a carefree voice.  

The council members turn their curious and judging eyes to her, and Hugo hurriedly crouches next to her. 

"C'mon Ry, put your arms around my neck." 

She looks at him for a bit, and then they have a quick conversation, which ends in Rory being lifted up bridal-style and Hugo carrying her the rest of the way.

Blythe jumps into my arms, "I don't like it. Remember the last time we saw a formation like this?" 

I observe the council-members as they herd us up the path, "Yes. They marched a family accused of the crime up the council walk. It's meant to teach them a lesson, because the trees and the whole planet judges you while you march." 

"What happened to the family?" Indi whispers from behind me. 

"They were never seen again", I say hopelessly. 

"Cheerful. Nice way to think positive, Rayne. Good job." She rolls her eyes. 

I shrug and dump Blythe on the ground when we get to the large council building. 

The whole precision stops outside a massive set of double doors. The council building is -and always has been- a massively imposing structure that sits at the top of the hill that we just climbed. My mum used to tell me stories about how, in every city on our planet, you can see their council building from every high point in the city. 

When we tested the story out, it proved to be true. 

We are then led into a waiting room, which is devoid of all noise. Strange, everything here seems to be muted, but why? Why try to silence what makes our planet beautiful? But the room is warm and cozy, and as soon as Hugo sits and lets Rory use his legs as a pillow, her eyes are closed, and we all grin at her light snoring. I sit -straight as wood- next to James. Rowan and Blythe are pacing in a circle on and around the small coffee table. Indi slouches in a corner with Max at her feet. 

Cyan, and the six burly Councilmen had gone through the door opposite the one we entered through. I can hear faint yelling from behind the door. 

"What're they arguing about?" Hugo whispers, careful not to wake Rory. 

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