1 | earth

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A/N: I use scenes and scenarios I do not own! All from the 100.

(Editing this)

I was born on the ark which was this big metal space ship humanity had to survive on since almost 100 years ago, there was a nuclear apocalypse.

Humans vs humans, who would have thought? It wasn't too bad on the ark though. I had a family many friends, I even had a bestfriend. We all lived in peace because, we knew we had to. We were all that's left of the human race.

Let's begin on the day my life went to shit. Not to sound like y/n lol cuz I'm not I'm super funny just trust me. Actually u don't need to trust me cuz like ur reading this in ur POV so just trust yourself I guess.


"Bellamy!" I call. He looks at me confused and puts his gross hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"Get your hand off my mouth" I mumble.

"Sorry" the tall boy whispers slowly bringing his hand down to his side. He had slick back hair (which looked so bad ugh) and big hands and wore his guard uniform.

We were trying not to get caught by the guards, even though he was one. We were trying to grab our favourite movie from the movie closet. All the teens, tweens and some adults would get together and watch old movies like 21 Jump Street (Bellamys FAVOURITE) or some Marvel movies (my favourites). Our friendship anniversary was coming up so we had to watch mine and Bellamy's top picks. We snuck into the closet and grab 21 Jump Street and my favourite movie.

"I cant choose" I whisper at Bellamy. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Just pick one, let's go Avery" he whispers back holding the door open checking for guards. Oh ya I forgot to mention I have like 3 favourites. It's between Pitch Perfect (best cinematic movie of all time), Spider-Man No Way Home or Thor Love and Thunder.

Bellamy walks in and pushed me aside and points at the door indicating for me to guard it. He was mad at me.

He always was.

I walk over to the door and it takes Bellamy a solid 3 seconds to walk out with the movies in his hands. He knew me better than I knew myself. I close the door behind me and turn around slowly. As I lift my head I notice 2 guards standing in front of Bellamy and I.

"Good evening fellas!" I hoot and wave and Bellamy elbows me in the stomach. I quickly snap my head giving him a 'trust me' look. He raises his brow and backs away letting me talk again.

"We were just checking to make sure all the movies were there, you know!?" I say almost questioning myself.

"Bellamy Blake get back to your room and Avery Kane, come with us" the tall guard says.

"I'm not really into this kind of stuff boys" I say as they pull me away.

"See you tomorrow?" I yell to Bellamy as he stands there and waves goodbye.


"What were you thinking?" My father says looking at me dead in the eyes while pacing around the table. I was sitting on a metal chair in my room when I should be watching movies with Bellamy. "Sneaking around at 4 in the morning to what? Watch movies? Avery you know the ark is dying and you need to stay alive so don't do anything else this stupid." He lectures me.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now