14 | the peacekeeper

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No way it was Finn. How could it be Finn.

He murdered innocent people?

The boy who only wanted peace for his people? The boy who wanted everyone to survive so he tried to create a truce with the grounders. He killed those grounders? There is no way, Finn was a peacemaker, a protecter, a friend why would he do this.

Bellamy could see the thoughts running through my head and he pulls me into another hug. It was warm and safe. I hug him back and we must have been hugging for a while, it was needed and neither of us wanted to pull away.

"Are you sure it was Finn?" I whisper into his chest. I can feel his head nodding, it was Finn. He pulls away from the hug but keeps his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"Yes. Murphy was there he explained that, uh, Finn just didn't stop." Bellamy sighs. His eyes changed from calm to anger in seconds when someone knocked on the door behind us. He goes and opens it to Raven leaning against the door frame with a grin plastered on her face.

"I'm hoping I am interrupting something. Am I?" She laughs and walks into the room. "Clarke should be back soon c'mon let's go." Raven exited the room.

I was going to follow but then it hit me, Lexa said that Clarke and her were trying to 'solve the problem' what if that problem is Finn. The grounders are going to kill him. My brain kept attacking my head by saying 'Finn deserved it' or 'he killed innocent people.'

The thoughts finally stopped when Bellamy grabbed my hand and pulled me back out into the hall. We walk outside and see grounders on horses with torches outside the gate. I didn't even realize until now but Bellamy was holding a gun this whole time. How could he even look at a gun right now after knowing what Finn used it for.

"Hold your fire! She's back." Bellamy shouts out at the camp. I watch as Finn runs up to Clarke walking in the gate. She grabs him and whispers something before walking up to Bellamy, Abby and I.

"They want him dead don't they?" I whisper to her, careful making sure no one else hears in case she didn't want them to know yet.

She nods sorrowful. I could tell she loved him, didn't want to lose him. But this wasn't something you take lightly. He killed an entire village. Hell it could have been the village I saw with Cameron. The one that looked peaceful, hopeful for the human race. I felt safe there, knowing Finn didn't care anymore was what set me off. I no longer wanted to protect him from the grounders, I wanted to let them have him.

"What did she say? Is there a chance for a truce?" Abby asks. Raven comes and joins our little circle. Clarke looks distraught. I wanted to answer for her but it wasn't my place, hell I didn't even want Finn here any longer.

"Yes." She breathed. I look over to Finn and he's reading her like a book. He knew her better than anyone here, I'm surprised he didn't know by the look on her face.

"What's wrong?" He questioned the blonde. His eyes stay focused on her but she doesn't look back. I look over to Bellamy who was still positioned with his gun in his hands. I hate guns.

"They want you." She turns to Finn. He looks confused, is he dumb? "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn." She exclaimed. Raven was the first to question this idea.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven objected. Her eyes fell at the thought of Finn leaving her, again...

"That's their offer."

"That's not an offer."

"It's punishment." Finn finally speaks up. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood." He continues. He doesn't even look affected by the news. He had no emotion. Not sad his life was about to end, nothing.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now