24 | lost

113 7 86

*don't play it yet*

Bellamy walked over to his bed and layed down. He motioned me to lay beside him, I did, it would be rude not to. He gently pulls me closer to him so that his arm is over me.

"Is this okay?" He whispers.

"Yes, it's okay."

I turn over so that I'm facing him, his arm still draped over my waist, over the blanket of course. His eyes looked sweet. He didn't look happy or anything but maybe sort of calm.


"Nothing, nothing."

"Avery, you're staring at me, what is it?"

"You're eyes are just, different."

"In what way? Like bad different because it could be the fact that my girlfriend just died."

Didn't know he was already ready to joke about it wow. Sarcasm is my thing still.

"No Bell, not that. You seem calm."

"I am calm. I'm calm when I'm with you."

I think I'm blushing. My cheeks feel warm.

"But why?"

"I don't know. Maybe since I've known you so long, you and Octavia just calm me down I think."

"That's sweet."

"I think you made me a better person. Compared to who I was when we landed you know? I mean when you told me that you didn't like the person I was down here I knew I needed to change."

"And you did. You have such a kind heart, Bellamy. You understand that now, I can see it."

He smiles and closes his eyes. I turn over so that my back is to his chest and he grabs my hips and pulls me into him. He wraps his arm around me. It was actually comfortable.

He had fallen asleep and I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. I put his blanket on him and went to find Raven, I didn't even know if she was back yet. I go to her room, nothing. Then the lab, there she was.

"Hey." I walk in and sit down beside her. She was trying to throw herself into work but there was no work to do.

"Avery I can't talk right now."

"Raven are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Okay then. Cameron wants to know if you like him, or if you're looking for anyone."

"Cameron? Really?"

"Yep. Sooo?"

"So yes. I am looking and if he's available he knows where to find me is that all?" She drops her pencil or pen or whatever she was holding to look at me.

"No, that's not. How's your leg?"

"Don't ask about that, I told you I'm fine." She looks back down at her 'work'.

"Raven please. I know you, you're not okay please let Abby do something to help you." I inch closer to her.

"I don't put myself in your business so stay out of mine okay?" She yells looking up to me quickly then back down immediately after.

"Okay, okay. I'll go. I'm sorry."

"No it's fine I'm sorry. I just, I should have found out the codes, Gina would still be alive."

"Do not blame yourself. There is no one to blame, especially not you, or Bellamy."

She takes a deep breath and smiles. I nod to her and hug her and walk out of the room. Am I a therapist?

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now