26 | traitor

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Bellamy and I searched for Jaha. He told me how he didn't have much time to figure this out. We walked around basically the whole arc. He was no where to be found. I saw Raven in a pretty good mood and decided to see what the up since the last time I talked to her she wanted to kill me.

"Hey Raven, what's up?" I grinned. She smiled back and honestly looked genuinely happy.

"Hey Avery, hey Bellamy. Well nothing really other than the city of light." She begins walking away but Bellamy grabs her arm, expecting her to flinch but she doesn't.

"What?" She pulls her arm away.

"What the fuck do you mean 'city of light'?" Bellamy asks.

"I mean we've found it. Jaha, found it. I got to go." She finishes, we let her walk off this time.

"She doesn't feel pain." I whisper to Bellamy. He whips his head over to me concerned.

"What!? Doesn't feel pain? Are you sure?"

"Yeah pretty sure, she didn't flinch when you grabbed her arm, and last time I talked to her she was just mad. When have you known Raven to be in this good of a mood, especially with that leg-"

Bellamy stopped listening. Pike came up and all of the sudden he was like a dog looking at his owner. He completely disengaged from our conversation.

"Yeah totally, I'll see you later, Ave." He was completely distracted and walked off.

Hold on, Ave? He's never called me that...


"Today, Bryan!" I hear Bellamy call from the rover. I run to stand with my dad who was just watching them leave, a car full of guns and people. Like they were going to war or something.

"We're just letting them leave?" I mumble.

"We can't do anything about it sweetheart." My dad crosses his arms. He was angry but hid it well. I look over to see Miller standing there too.

He looks over to me and nods for me to follow him. I look to my dad and then back to Miller.

"Yeah go, your good."

"Just tell me when they come back okay?" I yell as I run after Miller. He stood behind a shelf and I came and stood with him. He looked tired, bags under his eyes and dirt all rubbed into his face.

"I got Octavia a horse, she's warning the village, thought you would want to know." He nods.

"Thank you. What village?"

"The one- what? You don't know? Bellamy is going to go kill off a village so they can have their land, so we can have their land."

"What!?" I shout, Miller covers my mouth.

"Your dad didn't tell you?" He slowly takes his hand off my mouth.

"No I was busy with the Jaha pill. Did you know you can't feel pain with that fucking pill? I don't know what it is but I should probably tell my dad, and check on Raven."

"Raven took the pill?"

"Yeah. Keep me updated." I turn and walk off and he stands and waves. I never really thought of Miller as a friend. Our last close interaction was back on the drop ship, when I kicked his ass.

I found my dad again and told him what Bellamy and I found out about the pill. He went to go tell Abby leaving me with nothing to do. Like actually nothing to do, I'm not a farmer, or an engineer. I honestly just kind of walk around like I have something to do. It works.


The rover still hadn't returned, I spent most of the day talking with Jasper. He told me about how weird Raven was acting and how Jaha almost forgot who Wells was. He tried to explain the science behind it but all I got out of him was "interrupt pain receptors" and then he got tired and left.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now