23 | intimidation

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I had to eat a fucking squirrel or something. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT WAS OKAY? I was so hungry. I finally found out where I was and now I'm back on track to find Cameron. I walked for so long I should have just taken the rover.

I show up at the little tree house Cam told me he liked to hide in when he was getting bored. I went a few times but never actually inside. I assumed he would be here. It was made of scrap metal and rusty nails. I climb up the latter and knock on the hatch.

"Cam? Cam you in there?" I ask. The hatch opens above me and Cam smiling from above, he pulls me up and I sit in his tiny shack thing.

It's filled with little trinkets he had found throughout the years. Including a very familiar necklace. It looked like the one from the Titanic which is actually really funny considering that was the last movie I watched back on the ark.

Anyways his little shack had tiny cushions you could see were made by his people for his family. Since they are basically royalty, it makes sense why people would make things for them. There are even little lanterns all around. It was super homey.

I was honestly enjoying those 2 seconds of looking around but if course Cameron had to ruin it...

"Holy shit. Raven told me you were dead." He laughs.

"You're in contact with the arc, or Arkadia, whatever they call it?" I ask. How did he even? When did he get that necklace though?

"Well yeah they gave me a walkie, or Raven did."

"No way. I need to talk to Raven, ask if Bellamy is in yet." I snatch the walkie from his hand.

"In where?" He hands me a bottle of water to drink. I put the walkie down to explain everything first.

"Well, we're trying to find Clarke right, so he decided to be his stupidly heroic self and go find her on his own, so he left and got stabbed by the dude who has Clarke and now he needs to go back to Arkadia to- stop bleeding?" I take a deep breath. Who am I? Slim shady? I just did that without breathing until the end.

"That was an awful explanation but, I know who has Clarke." He smiles and nods his head in excitement.

"What the fuck? Who!" I take a sip of my water finally. So thirsty.

"My sister." He says awkwardly.

"WHAT?!" I spit it all out on his face. "Shit! Sorry." I laugh and he laughs too wiping the water off his face. "We thought she was going to die."

"So did we. So, my sister sent out the Prince of Ice Nation to get her."

"You're fucked."

"What? Why?"

"Never mind that, at least she's okay right. Take me there let's go I need to see Clarke."

"Okay okay fine let me dry off. You know you fit a lot in your mouth." I raise my eyebrow at his words.

"What?" I laugh. He looks confused and then a light bulb went off in his head.

"You dirty bitch." He smiles, shaking his head climbing down the ladder. I follow him down quickly and I jump down.

"Where are we even going by the way?" I begin walking beside him. "Like is this your new TonDC, should I dress up or something, I don't have anything to wear actually never mind."

"No, no. You look fine. I like the hair, copying Lexa a bit but whatever."

"Uh! I did not!" I push him teasing.

I did though. She's really hot.

"Oh no it's fine you go ahead copy her. Also completely normal switch of conversation but, is Raven like with anyone?" He smiles and blushes a bit.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now