19 | alone

115 7 32

Cameron and I walked into a tent where medical kits and people waited. We fell asleep waiting for them to help us. When we woke up, they told me I had a concussion and that 'I'm lucky' for surviving this. If only it were that easy. I watched many people die and I couldn't save them. We let them die, Clarke let them die.

"Hey. Watcha thinking about?" Cam asks. I look over to see his eyes light up when I look at him. I don't answer him for a while. I didn't know how to explain that all I saw when I closed my eyes was fire.

"Nothing." I reply. He notices my monotone voice and inches closer to me, putting his hand on my leg.

"We're okay now." He affirms. I nod my head and get up. Shaking the weird feeling that rose in my stomach. I walk out of the tent and Cameron follows. It's light out at this point. We hear commotion from around the camp. We look up and see the flare and Clarke and Lexa run up beside us.

"Bellamy did it." Clarke announced. Her smile talking up half her face. But at what cost? She said she let the grounder village get attacked for Bellamy. What does that even mean?

"You were right to have faith in him." Lexa stated. Her smile now taking up half her face.

"Woah, woah, woah. What the hell is going on here?" Cameron ass pointing to Clarke and Lexa. They look at eachother confused then back to Cam. "Lexa I have never seen you this happy. Wait you guys aren't... you know.."

"Banging?" I blurt out. Clarke's face turns red and Lexa turns away. "No fucking way. Damn Clarke taking all the hot ones." I giggle. She shoves me laughing and Cam and I walk away, letting Clarke and Lexa lead the people again.

Shortly after, we hear a loud horn sound throughout the forest. Cam and I look at each other with excitement, and a little fear. Mostly me though. I'm just worried about Bellamy.

We are all walking towards war.

Like actual war. I've read about war before, seen movies on it. But now it's actual real life war. For me at least. This just seems all too surreal. Also why are we walking? Like won't we get tired? I'm already tired.

"Hey so you don't like Bellamy anymore do you?" Octavia whispers running up beside me. I quickly snap my head at her, she's eagerly waiting for my response. "I mean you clearly like Cameron."

"Wait what? How? I never liked Bellamy. Nor do I like Cameron. Octavia quit pulling shit out of your ass." I roll my eyes and walk faster, the leaves and sticks crunching louder under my feet.

"No. No Lincoln told me. He said that you and Bellamy had chemistry or something. I disagreed with him but he convinced me. And now I'm seeing the same thing with Cameron. I'm not mad I just want to know if you like Cam?" She argued. She was very determined on getting my confirmation. I couldn't give that to her. I definitely have feelings for Bellamy but I've never thought of Cam this way.

"I don't know Octavia maybe ask Lincoln." I tease. She rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Also. On a completely different note, how is Clarke alive? I mean I saw her in TonDC right before the blast. She had not one scratch on her." Octavia claims.

"She knew. She knew about the missile." I declared. Octavia had no reaction, she knew but she clearly just wanted confirmation. Then Indra came up beside us and I let her talk to Octavia. I speed up again and meet up with Cameron.

"Hey!" He grinned. "Ok so I was talking to Lexa and guess what? Her and Clarke are like a thing now."

"Shut up!" I squeal. "She got Finn and now she gets Lexa? This is literally not fair."

"Hey don't be jealous you are best friends with the better sibling." He jokes, elbowing me. I shove him back.

"I might be rethinking my choices." I laugh. He's not very amused at this.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now