8 | punches

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"What do you mean?" I ask him as he stands there with a slight smirk on his face.

He pisses me off when he does shit like this.

"Well I mean when was the last time you fought back? C'mon hit me." He says squaring up. What?

"Blake I'm not going to hit you." I say. He steps closer to me and I step back in sync. He tilts his head and takes a step closer.

"Don't be scared Kane, hit me." He repeats again, taking a step closer. He throws a punch but I duck just in time.

"What the hell Bellamy!?" I call out. He doesn't move he just stands there with that same cocky smile still plastered on his face.

"Hit. Me." He says slowly taking a step closer now inches from my face. I close my eyes and punch directly above me, hitting him in the mouth.

He puts his hand on his lip and wipes the blood and smiles. Chuckles almost. He swipes my legs away from under me and I fall to the ground, he laughs at that. I get up quick and kick him in the stomach then when he goes to grab it I punch him in the face.

"Is that good Bellamy? Like seriously what do you want from me?" I say panting. He looks up at me and nods and starts to walk away.

"Hey hey where you going now?" I ask. He turns around,

"That was good. I just wanted to make sure you could protect yourself if you do run away. I know you Avery. I know you're going to leave and I know I won't be able to stop you so I was checking to see how well you could stop a grounder." He says turning around and walking back to camp.

This is the Bellamy I remember from the arc. The Bellamy that wouldn't let me go. The Bellamy that truly cares. The Bellamy I've got to know on the ground is a whole different person. I watch as he walks away fading from distance until he stops.

"Hey one last thing. Raven got the monitor to work so we can talk to the arc. In case that changes your mind." He yells.

I can talk to my dad. I don't want to, but I need to. Screw it no I don't. I start walking in the opposite direction. On second thought might just want to see his reaction to see I'm still alive.

Yeah that'll get him.

That will get him good.


"Hey... dad." I say to the screen. Clarke sitting beside me eyeing my every move. My dad smiles and laughs, clearly very happy to see I'm alive.

"Hey Aves, I- you... you have gotten so old!" He says almost tearing up.

"Let's make this quick dad I didn't want to do this in the first place." I spit. Clarke nudges me a bit indicating I should be nicer.

She has no right to say this considering the fact she's ignoring her own mother.

"I'm so sorry, Avery. I knew they were sending you down so I made sure you stayed in the box. I would have visited you everyday if I was allowed. I love you." He speaks with a calming tone to his voice. I missed my dad I'll be honest.

Fine, I'll be nice.

"I love you too, dad." I say taking off the mic, smiling at him and handing it back to Clarke.

"Oh, hey by the way they found a little depot not far from here. Can you and Bellamy go check to out to see if there's any supplies for us to use? Thanks." Clarke discloses, leaving no room for me to answer and she kicks me out of the tent.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now