3 | the caves

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I spent a night in the forest on my own. I don't know why I'd rather be killed by grounders than face Bellamy. It's so stupid and I know that. It's like I'm meeting him all over again, I get butterflies in my stomach when I see him but I don't want to because I should be mad at him.

He lied to me.

It's been like a year though. Maybe I should forgive him. I get up and pack my bag when I hear footsteps. I back down to the ground until I see it's Bellamy, Clarke, Finn, Murphy and Wells. They must be looking for Jasper. I knew I should help but maybe I'll just keep a safe distance behind.

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" I hear Finn say. He stops and looks at a tree, then the rocks below.

"See? Your invisible." Bellamy says. I wish I was invisible. We heard Jasper scream and start walking towards the noise, I still stayed in the trees. When I saw Jasper I came out of the trees. He was my friend I needed to help him.

I start running towards him when I don't feel the ground beneath my feet. I fall into what I assume is a trap in slow motion. I reach my arm up hoping for help and I feel someone catch my wrist.

"Avery?" He says. I look up at him. Bellamy.

"Surprise?!" I say as I hear Finn yell to pull me up. Bellamy pulls me up and looks almost mad at me. What's his problem?

"What the hell are you doing here. I had no idea you were down here." He says aggressively pushing me.

"Yeah well you lied to me. Our whole lives, you don't get to be mad now." I say back to him pushing him harder.

"I'm not mad Avery. I just- How are you here? I thought ur dad only put you in the sky box for a month?" He says a little more calm than last time

"Wait if you though I was only there for a month why didn't you ask someone or check to see if I was even alive Bellamy? You thought I was out of the box this whole time? You were going to come down here knowing I'd be stuck up there?" I say throwing punches but Finn held me back.

"Ok look I know this is a crazy super cool reunion but can we do it later we need to save Jasper." Finn says pulling me away from Bellamy.

He was right. I think I was also over reacting.

"Murphy and I will climb up these trees to get to him, avoiding any other traps that are probably here." Finn announces. We all agree.

The bushes to my left begin rustling. Like something was getting closer and closer. Well no shit.

"Bellamy. Gun." I hear Clarke from behind me.

I turn to Bellamy and see him reach for his gun but nothing was there. A figure jumps out beside me, attacking Clarke. Bellamy pulls me to the ground but I watch as the figure falls to the ground after a loud bang.

Bellamy had pulled me directly beside him and his arm was draped over me.

"Get off me." I push his arm off and go and check on Clarke.

"Now she sees you." Bellamy says finishing his sentence from earlier to Wells.


We start walking back to camp, Finn and Wells carrying Jasper. Bellamy carrying the animal that had almost attacked Clarke. I was way in front of the group and my mind was racing.

If he thought I was out of the sky box, why didn't he check? How did he even think that. What was he doing all this time?

As soon as we get back to camp I turn around and start walking back into the forest when Bellamy grabs my arm and stops me.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now