36 | finale

170 3 7

I woke up in a city.

New York City if you will.

Home alone? Stranded in New York part 3?

Yes, they made like 8 more of them. Then the world ended so they didn't really have time to make the last one.

I just started walking. The flame wasn't talking so I just went in a random direction. Didn't want anyone to see me. But a man in a black trench-coat did. It seemed like he was following me.

During international womens month, really?

I ran into a crowding of people. Car horns, trains and overwhelming noises took over. I was in a city. I literally shifted to another reality.

I used to see videos about shifting on the arc. I tried every night to get to Marvel. Didn't work. I would always feel like I was floating but then I convinced myself it's because I was literally in space.


The city was packed. Everyone could see me but seemed like they didn't care. They all minded their business. Is this what being in New York City is actually like? I bet if I fell on the ground right now, no one would care. If I screamed at the top of my lungs, they wouldn't care.

The man in the trench coat approached me. I thought I was done. He got closer and closer and then... passed me? What the actual fuck?

Why wouldn't we want to be here? It is peaceful.

Independent without having to be alone.

Safe in an unsurvivable climate.

I look over to the cross walk and see thousands more people. Two men holding ice cream smiled as they walked.

Holy shit it's Jasper and Cam.

Since when was Jasper in the city of light?

He walked right past me too.

They couldn't see me. Cam would've said something but he couldn't see me either.

So I just followed them. They sat on a bench and I sat beside them. Cam looked so happy. Jasper looked calm. At peace.


I heard whispers again and looked around.

It wasn't Lexa but it was someone new. I felt trust in her.

I looked up and saw the key sign on the cross walk lights. I followed the sign. It was that easy.

I hope this wasn't a trick.

It changed. Then a woman with her hair tied like the symbol walked past me.

She turned and I lost her.

Another infinity symbol.

I stumbled over my own feet.

I started to feel weak. As if my own bones were crumbling inside me, my muscles were twisting up tight and falling off my body.

I must not be getting enough blood.

I watched as a crimson deep red liquid dripped from my nose onto the ground below me. I reached up to locate the blood and held my hand there to try and stop it.

Who the fuck isn't doing their job? I'm in here risking my life and now I'm dying?

As I get up slowly, everyone circles me. Well, they can definitely see me now. I begin running. Even though I couldn't feel my legs I just kept moving.

I find a corner and a group of big men begin walking to me I turn in circles until I find an opening. I run across the street to stairs.

I was weaker and weaker with each step. I fell on the final steps and laid my head to rest on the top step. People began surrounding me again. Kicking me and beating me the fuck up.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now