27 | farewell

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A/N: I'm sorry for what's to come.

My dad was let out to see Abby. They must have a thing going on. Me and Clarke are going to be sisters! Actually wait no I'm going to die so that doesn't work. Can we reschedule?

He came back and he was sad. Like obviously I was expecting sad but he didn't even talk. He was just there. I can't even really explain how everyone was feeling. It was like a ticking time bomb and we were all waiting for it to blow up. And we were inside the bomb. And Pike had the switch.

"Could've worked." Lincoln breaks the silence. All our heads lift up to look at him.

"Death can be an act of unity, too. We don't break." My dad whispers. He looks over to me. "We don't show fear." He pauses again and looks down at the mark of the coalition on his arm. "The people will remember."

"Chancellor on deck." A guard announces.

"It's time." Another one shouts.

"Not her first." Lincoln stands up in front of me. "Do not resist." He speaks to his people in Trigedasleng. I was too nervous and focussed on the door to hear anything else.

They open the gate and guards come flooding in pointing guns at all of us. Pike follows in ordering us to stand against the wall. We all obey. They bring in ankle and wrist cuffs and place them on us four.

"Kinky!" I smile. I knew if I could crack one joke it would show Pike I wasn't afraid. Even if I was.

I think of my dad saying to show no fear and I swallow my tears and hold them back. I couldn't stop my hands from shaking, so I hid them. We passed Harper in the hall, she watched us go by and she was scared too.

"Sir, you were right, Octavia is here and she's not alone." Hannah calls from over the radio. My heart drops.

Pike whips his head around and faces us. "On their knees." He instructs. They push us down to our knees. "Can you confirm a location?" He asks.

"Negative, sir." Hannah comments. Relief washed over me.

"Sir, we can assume her friends have already told her where we're taking them. We shouldn't go any further until we know the routes secure." Nate announces. He looks back to me and gently nods. Like the smallest nod ever I'm surprised I even saw it. I knew he was on our side. Pike looks around for a way out.

"Put them in there. Let's go! Move." Pike yells. Pointing to a room. They pick us up and push us towards the room. We walk into a room full of bunk beds. "I want two men on the door." He adds.

"We got it." Nate assured.

"Good. Anyone comes out of there, shoot to kill. Anyone enters this corridor, one warning, then shoot to kill. Everyone else—on me." He finishes and walks off.

Shortly after they left the door opens to Octavia waiting for us. Holy shit. She runs over to Lincoln and unties him first, then me, then my dad and finally Sinclair.

"Where the hell have you been?!" I hug her.

"Been busy. Getting shit done. Get under the floor."


"Yep I'll hold your hand if your scared."


Her plan worked. They came in to see an empty room and we were under the floor the whole time.

"It's a little bit tight in there." My dad groans.

"Try doing it for sixteen years." Octavia replies.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now