~ Sunshine & Rainbows ~

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{ } ~What he's saying in his head
( ) ~Translation


"NO" said Zabdiel. "I'm not going anywhere" He stood in front of his mother with his arms crossed and a pouty face. "Yes you are mi amor you HAVE to go to school its not an option" She said with her arms crossed. "Pero mamiii. Yo no puedo (But mom. I can't)" He said. "Ay Zab you're being very dramatic you'll be fine. I'm sure everybody at you're new school is going to love you and you'll make tons of friends!" She said. "...UM HAVE YOU BEEN TO HIGH SCHOOL BEFORE?!?!" He said in anger. "BECAUSE ITS NOT SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS. You don't just "make friends" just by showing up. ESPECIALLY not someone like me. NOBODY likes me I'm lucky to have made the friends that I did back home. Why'd we even have to move in the first place because you still haven't told me" He said with tear filled eyes.

"Zabdiel we ARE home. THIS is you're home now. Deal with it" She said in a stern tone. "I know its hard to adjust but I promise you, you'll be fine. I'm sure you'll have all the girls and boys...wanting you sweetie" She said saying the last part awkwardly. "Mami when are you going to get over the whole me being bisexual thing? Its not a big deal. Oh and PLEASE don't try and talk to me about relationships when you messed up the only one that mattered!!" He said storming off to his room and slamming the door.


Zabdiel lay on his bed with a million thoughts crossing his mind.

{"Why'd he leave me?" "Why'd we have to move?" "Nobody at this school will accept me I just know it" "They're all going to hate me" "Why can't I just be normal like everybody else?}

"My life is a disaster" He said. Just then his phone rang. It was his friends Carla and Mia. "Ay mis princesas. I miss you guys so much please come rescue me" He said. "Hola Zabdi" They said in unison. "Zab its only been 12 hours since we last saw you. No way you already miss us" Said Carla laughing. "Yeah and Miami can't be that bad" Said Mia. "Anywhere I go is bad if you guys aren't there" He said in a low tone. "Aw cute. But when you say "you guys" we know who you really mean" Said Carla. "Que? Who do I really mean?" He said. "Carlos" Said Mia winking at Zabdiel. "WHAT?!" He said with confusion in his voice. "Do you know how long ago we broke up?!?!" He said with a hint of anger in his tone. "Yes Zabdi, yes we do" Said Mia with a straight face. "A week" Said Carla. "You broke up A WEEK ago and your saying it like it was years ago. Relax. Although my mind's still a little fuzzy on the whole reason behind you guys breaking up. Did you ever actually tell us?" Asked Carla. "ummm" Zabdiel knew he wasn't ready to tell his two best friends everything that happened between him and his ex just yet. He really wanted to but it was just way too painful so instead he changed the subject. "That's a conversation for another time" He said. "But guyssss" He said whining. "Mi mama is trying to force me to go to school" He said. "Zab. Honey. Amor mio. You do known that you do have to go to school right?" Said Carla. "Yeah its literally the law babe" Said Mia. "You guys are suppose to be on my side" Whined Zab. "Ok how 'bout this. We weren't going to tell you because we wanted to surprise you but if its going to make you get your lazy culo up and go to school I guess we have no choice" Said Mia. "We bought plane tickets to come see you this weekend but if you don't go to school we're not coming" Mia said in a sassy tone. "EN SERIO?!?! (seriously)" Said Zab in a shocked and excited tone. "Yes did u really think we were going to last that long without you??" Said Carla. "Of course not" Said Mia. "We already have the tickets and everything. Besides a place to stay assuming that MANSION you moved into has room for two more ?" Said Mia. Zabdiel chuckled at the way Mia emphasized the word "mansion". "Of course there's room for my two best friends" He said with a smile on his face. And with that he said goodbye to his friends, got ready for school, and went downstairs.

{Here goes nothing}

"Okay mom, I'm ready I guess" He said. "Really? That's it? 10 minutes ago you were willing to stay locked in that room all day if it meant not having to go to school and now all of a sudden you're just "ready"??" She said very confused and suspicious. "Yes now let's go I don't want to be late on my first day. It'll just draw even more unwanted attention to myself" He argued. "Okay, Okay. Let's go then" She said.

The car ride was mostly silent until they drove by Chris who was riding his skateboard along with some friends.

"I hope he goes to the same school I'm going to" Said Zabdiel nearly drooling over Chris. His mom looked at him like she was trying to hold back laughter and he realized what he just said out loud. "WAIT...Did I just say that out loud?!?" His face flushed a bright red and his mom bursted into laughter.

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Sooooooo yeah here's my first chapter. Is it too long?, too short?, Or long enough? Its just a lil intro to Zab and the next one will be Chris and possibly when they meet I'm not sure yet but hope you enjoyed it and if you did please comment and vote :)

~ Besitos, Katie<3

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