Plot Twist

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(Quick lil recap: Erick was about to beat the shiz out of Zabdi. That's it. :).)

Erick's POV

"Listen Zabdiel, or whatever your name is. You see that girl right there? That's Nadia. MY GIRLFRIEND. But you already knew that so why are you flirting with her?!?" Said Erick aggravated.

I'm trying so hard not to lose my temper and kill him but its a little difficult when he has such a punch-able face.

"I promise I-I'm not f-flirting with your girlfriend. She insisted I spend the day with her so she could show me around and-" Said Zabdiel being cut off by Nadia.

"Erick what are you doing?" Asked Nadia. "Uh asking our new friend how his first day went?" Said Erick. "Yeah I don't believe that for a second" Said Nadia grabbing Zabdiel away from Erick. "You guys need to leave the poor guy alone" Said Nadia.

"Who's house are we going to today?" Asked Lexi. "Chris" said Joel. "I have a key" Said Joel. "So we're going to Chris's house without Chris?" Asked Lexi. "And why do you have a key?" Asked Zabdiel. "1) We're going to his house because we decided on that before he got detention and he'll probably only be there for half an hour. And 2) I have a key because we're basically brothers. We've known each other our entire lives. Literally" Said Joel.

"But can one of you take the key because I need to borrow Joel over at my place for a minute" Said Rich. "I'll do it" Said Erick.

Nobody's POV

The rest of the group continued on to Chris's house which was only a few houses away while Richard and Joel walked into Richard's house.

As soon as the boys entered the home Rich pushed Joel against the back of the door.

"What did I tell you about talking smart mouthed with me?" Said Richard with his face so close to Joel's he could feel his breathing. "Uh-I-Um-" stuttered Joel.

Before Joel could attempt to finish his thought Richard connected their lips. It was rough but sweet at the same time which made Joel moan into the kiss.

"You never have time for me anymore I had to do something to get your attention" Said Joel with a smirk then quickly connected his and Richard's lips again.

"Oh yeah?" Said Rich with a smirk while slipping his hand into Joel's pants grasping his boner. "How's that for my attention?" Asked Richard staring into Joel's lust-filled eyes.

"Y-yeahhh th-that works" Said Joel trying not to moan.

Then they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Richard quickly removed his hand from Joel's pants and Joel whined.

"Oh baby you're home" said Richard's mom greeting her son. "And you're with Joel. Hi sweetie" Said his mom waving at Joel.

"Uh-yeah-um I was just stopping by to pick something up but we're all hanging out at Chris's today" Said Rich conflicted. "Oh okay mi amor, that's fine with me as long as you're home before 11. Oh and where's your brother?" Said his mom. "Oh-uh no idea, haven't seen him all day. Gotta go, byeee" Said Rich while pushing Joel out the door.

Once the boys got outside they both looked at each other and bursted into laughter.

"AHAHAHA NO WAY" said Joel. "You should've seen your face. You were all: "I-uh-um"" Said Joel mimicking Richard. "PFFT. SHUT UP" said Richard laughing while lightly pushing Joel. "At least something else didn't happen before she came down because there would've been no hiding that" Said Richard smirking at Joel.

*At Chris's house*

Finally Chris arrives after his hour long detention.

"Look who's finally here" Said Joel. "How was detention?" Asked Lexi with an innocent smile. "You know what Lexi? I've decided I'm not going to fight with you anymore. Its pointless" Said Chris. "HAHAHAHA are you high or something?" laughed Richard. "Because the Chris we know would never pass up the opportunity to make fun of Lexi" Said Rich still laughing. "My girlfriend told me I should be nicer to people" Said Chris rolling his eyes. "We need to meet this miracle worker asap" Said Erick shocked. "Fine. Tomorrow. But don't act all weird and durr ranged when you do" Said Chris laughing.

"Anyways...I have an idea" said Nadia excitedly. "We should do our confession circle" She said. "What's a confession circle?" Asked Zabdiel. "Basically its when we meet a new person to be in our friend group we all sit in a circle and confess our secrets to each other and its basically how you get accepted into the group" she said. "And to be honest with you, Erick doesn't like you, Rich wishes you were a girl, Joel doesn't even pay attention to your existence, and I don't know about Chris but me and Lexi love you so maybe this'll make the guys hate you a little less" She said confidently.

"Oh good to know they all hate me. But I guess I'll do it" Said Zabdiel. "But you have to be 100% honest. Its actually how I found out Erick liked me" Said Nadia smiling at her boyfriend. "Okay enough with all the cuteness let's just start the game" Said Joel playfully rolling his eyes.

"Who's first?" Asked Richard.

"I'll go first. I have a secret I've been meaning to get off my chest" Said Lexi. "This better be good" Said Chris.

"I" she started to speak then stopped. "I used to...uhhh...have a crush on Chris" She said. Everyone turned and looked at her with wide eyes. "YOU WHAT??" Asked Nadia shocked. "But then I saw how much of a dick he really was and all those feelings went away" Said Lexi smiling. "This has to be a joke there's literally NO WAY  you're being serious" Said Joel mildly confused. "I wish I was joking" Said Lexi.

"Chris you got anything to say about this?" Said Richard chuckling. Chris didn't respond. "Yo earth to Chris, you good?" Asked Richard. "Uhhhhhhh" Said Chris.

"I LIKE BOYS" yelled Zabdiel relieved that he finally said it. "Please don't hate me" He said putting his head down"

They all turned their heads and directed their attention towards him.

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Yeah...All that just happened ;). This chapter has SO MUCH going on lol. Honestly the Richel thing just happened. I just started typing the chapter and was like "WAIT, WHAT IF I MADE ANOTHER SHIP?" But I didn't want to do Joerick because that's too predictable and I already have a Joerick book and I just thought it'd be funny if it was Rich and somebody else because Rich is usually the straight one in like every fanfic I've ever read. So there ya go, hope you enjoyed. If you did don't forget to comment and vote!!
Last thing- Yashua will be making an appearance soon because I wuv him and he's bae too ;).

~Besitos, Katie<3

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