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Nobody's POV

They all stood there not knowing what to do next. Mia and Carla were filled with excitement to see what would happen next, Chris stood there frozen, and if looks could kill, Chris would be dead because of the way Lexi wouldn't take her eyes off of him.

"I take back everything I said.  I LOVE Miami" Said Mia with a huge smile across her face. "SOMEBODY BETTER START EXPLAINING" Said Lexi filled with rage. "I think it's pretty clear what's happening here" Said Mia to Lexi. "I wasn't asking YOU, I was asking MY BOYFRIEND" Said Lexi.

"Your boyfriend? Or Chris's boyfriend? Because it seems to me like Zabdi was into that kiss just as much as Chris was" Said Mia with a smirk on her face. "Is that true??" Asked Lexi. "And since WHEN are you into boys Chris??!" She said. "This just keeps getting better and better" Said Carla.

"I don't care anymore so I'll just say it. I do have feelings for Zabdiel and I don't care what anybody thinks about it" Said Chris. "Zabdiel... How do you feel about him? And about me?" Asked Lexi starting to tear up. "Lexi I do have feelings for you" He said. "But you like Chris more, don't you..." She said.

"I'm just going to leave now... and here I thought we could actually be happy together" She said walking out the front door.

"I feel like we're living in a telenovela" Carla whispered to Mia. "Well there goes your girlfriend" Said Mia.

"Did that actually just happen...?" Asked Zabdiel. "Unfortunately for you yes, yes it did" Said Mia. "I feel like you want us to walk away and give you two privacy to speak but we can't just miss all the good stuff" Said Carla. "Okay then we'll walk away" Said Zabdiel grabbing Chris's hand and walking up to his room.

Chris's POV

Maybe taking Joel's advice wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"So you wanna tell me why you just did that? Not that I'm complaining..." He said. "Joel told me- wait what...?" I said blushing. "Chris I- I do like you... a lot actually and I didn't mean anything I said before. I was just trying to push you away because I was mad at you" He said. "You have every right to be mad at me. The only reason I refused to believe everything you guys were saying about Samantha was because she was the only thing keeping me from admitting my feelings for you and I didn't want to believe how much I've fallen for you..." I said looking at the ground nervously.

He walked over to me and lifted my chin.

"Aww you like me that much? How cute" He said with a smirk. "Zabdi that's not funny" I whined. "I'm sorry can you forgive me?" He asked with a pouty face. "Only if you kiss me" I said with a smile. "Deal" He said before leaning in to kiss me.

The kiss was slow, intimate, and romantic. I've never felt so happy with somebody in my entire life than I do when I'm with him.

"I'd love to do so many things to you right now, but my friends are on the other side of that door so maybe next time" He whispered in my ear. "You didn't have to tease me like that" I said playfully pushing him. "You're adorable" He said before opening the door.

"You have really thick door, we could barely hear what you guys were saying" Said Mia. "Uh sorry?" Said Zabdiel. "Yeah you should be. So what's the deal with you two? Dating - not dating?" Asked Carla.

We looked at each other then back at them.

"I guess we're dating" He said with a huge smile plastered across his face.

"I've never felt more lonely" Said Mia. "Zabdi's had a boyfriend AND a girlfriend in one day and I can't seem to have either" She said. "Damn Mia way to kill the vibe" Said Carla laughing hysterically.


Kinda short but whatever. Yes it finally happened. THE CHRISDIEL SHIP HAS SAILED. Poor Lexi :,(. I had a feeling that if I didn't let their ship happen I was gonna get attacked by two people who shall not be named *cough* *cough*. But yeah :) that's that.
Question: for the next chapter should I make half of it what happened with Joel and Rich and the other half a cute little chrisdiel scene or should the whole chapter be what happened with them?
Anyways hoped you enjoyed this chapter, now I can sleep in peace knowing I won't get attacked for not letting chrisdiel have their moment :). It's 5am so I'm gonna go to sleep now  byeee.
(Oh and I didn't know what to name the chapter so enjoy that little heart)

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