I'm Bisexual

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Nobody's POV

They all turned their attention to the boy who was now on the verge of crying. Joel was the first to break the silence by hysterically laughing.

"Why would we hate you?" said Joel trying not to laugh. "Because you're gay or whatever you are? Do we really seem that much like assholes?" Asked Joel.

"Yeah we all know Joel's gay and we're fine with that" Said Chris. "Are you ever going to stop saying that?" Asked Joel rolling his eyes. "Joel, hermanito, we're not stupid. You haven't had a girlfriend or even said you were interested in one for like a year now" Said Chris. "That's not because I'm gay. Its because I found somebody. My somebody. And I want to be with them but its just complicated" Said Joel looking at Richard but quickly looking away after.

"So basically you're crushing on somebody but you're too much of a scared little girl to them how you feel?" asked Chris. "That sounds like you" Said Chris. Joel just rolled his eyes and directed his attention back to Zabdiel.

"Zabdiel we may seem like jerks and all, but when it comes to things like that we don't care what you are. If you like boys, girls, peaches, bananas. It doesn't matter" Said Joel with a soft smile.

"Oh my God. JOEL THAT WAS SO SWEET" Said Nadia squeezing Joel in a hug. "Yeah, yeah. Now let go you're strangling me" Said Joel.

"Seriously?" Said Zabdiel wiping away his tears. "Yeah. Although that doesn't change the fact that I still don't like you. But you liking boys doesn't make me dislike you any more than I already did" Said Erick. "You're a real ass" said Lexi. "Zabdi if you don't mind me asking, what are you? gay, bi, other?" Asked Lexi.

"I'm bisexual" Said Zabdiel with a smile. "Oh thank God" Lexi whispered under her breath with a sigh of relief.

"But wait that was it?" Asked Chris confused. "Ye-yeah that's it" Answered Zabdiel. "Did you have friends before that reacted in a different way?" Asked Chris with curiosity.

"Um- well...actually I lost all my friends. All except two girls who have been by my side since forever. They made me feel like I wasn't weird for not being straight. They even got made fun of for being friends with me but that didn't bother them" He said.

"I can't imagine the pain and suffering you went through" Said Nadia with tear filled eyes. "And to suddenly find out you're moving across the country and having to go through all of it again? NOPE. Not happening. We won't let ANYBODY hurt you or tease you. EVER" Said Nadia. "Everybody's scared of Chris anyways so you'll be just fine" Said Lexi.

"The biggest and only bullies you'll have at this school are the guys you're friends with. They won't bully you for that but for literally everything else its just their way of showing their love for each other" Said Lexi laughing.

Zabdiel's POV

Is this real? Do they really not care at all?? How did I get so lucky to meet a whole group of people that accept me? I'm so overwhelmed with happiness.

"Can I be honest?" I asked. "Of course" Said Chris with a smile.

I love his smile.

"When I saw you guys all together walking into school this morning I was terrified. You guys just look so intimidating" I said.

"The-Them?" Said Nadia trying to hold in her laughter. "They all act intimidating but Erick's really a soft little marshmallow, Joel's a little baby, Chris is a weirdo, and Richard is completely harmless" She said.

"Ayyyy. Wooooaaaah there. Slow your roll. You can't just be ruining our rep like that Nadia" Said Rich.

We all laughed and continued talking.

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