The Girlfriend

22 3 18

(This song lowkey fits the chapter)

Zabdi's POV

Oh gosh...she's literally BEAUTIFUL. I can't compete. I've already lost.

"Hi babe" She said running into her boyfriend's arms. He greeted her back and kissed her.

Is this what hell feels like? If so I don't want to go there because this is literally torture. Now I have to be the third wheel and the walk to school is half an hour. UGH.

"OMG you must be Zabdiel. I'm Samantha but you can call me Sammy or Sam" She said with a smile.

I refuse to believe she's this much of an angel. There has to be something wrong her and I'm going to find out what.

"And you must be the angel of a girlfriend Chris can't stop talking about" I said trying to be nice. "Aw really? Angel? That's so sweet" She said.

I genuinely can't stand how nice she's being its making it harder for me to hate her.

"So how'd you become friends with Chris?" She asked. "Oh he was supposed to be showing me around the school but ended up leaving and Nadia showed me around" I said.

After I said Nadia's name her smile turned into anger. That's weird.

"Nadia? Chris you're friends with Nadia?" She asked creepily. "Um yeah? She's Erick's girlfriend" He said. "Not to be rude or anything but the girl is a psycho" She said.

Is she or are you? Things are getting interesting now.

"What would make you say that?" I asked waiting for her answer. "I'd rather not say but last year she tried to choke me to death" She said.

PFFT PLEASE. NADIA??!? The angel from heaven?!? This girl is definitely lying and I can't wait to find out the truth from Nadia herself.
The rest of the way there was just Samantha trying to get to know me and me only answering her questions so Chris didn't hate me. Now the moment I've been waiting for we're walking up to the rest of the group.

"Guys, This is Samantha, my girlfriend" He said.

I swear my life flashed before my eyes because next Nadia and Joel pulled me away from Samantha and dragged me into an empty classroom.

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS?!?!" I said. "Zab...That DANGEROUS. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME" Said Joel pulling on my sleeve. "Okay gosh I believe you" I said. "NO YOU HAVE TO- Wait...Did you just say you believe me?" He said looking like a little kid who just got candy. "Yeah but you have to tell me why" I said.

"Wait before we get to that, what did she say about me?" Asked Nadia. "Oh it was quite funny actually. She said you were a psycho. Oh and that you tried to choke her to death" I responded.

"Zabdi how- HOW IS THAT FUNNY?!!!?" She said. "Because that's insane, you're literally an angel. But right now you're starting to fit her description the way you're yelling at me" I laughed.

"Oh sorry" She said with a chuckle. "I'm going to tell you exactly what happened. Take a seat this may take a while" She said.

"So last year I wasn't really in the friend group but I was really close friends with Joel and Erick. Good thing I was or Joel probably would've been locked in a basement right about now because of Samantha. It started with a note in his locker. A note that read something along the lines of "Hey cutie I've been watching you all day and I think you're really attractive" but it wasn't signed so we had no idea who it was from. I remember when Joel told me about it I made fun of him saying he had a stalker. Well, I WAS RIGHT. The notes were a daily thing but it started getting weird like "I saw you in your bedroom all alone last night. Wish I was there with you to keep you company" and Joel was so terrified that he thought I was writing the notes to freak him out. Then it wasn't just notes... He was getting pictures OF HIMSELF taken from far away sent to his house IN THE MAIL. To this day I cant imagine what would've happened if his mom opened one of those envelopes and saw those pictures" She said.

"She would've gone all Mexican mom on the whole neighborhood threatening everybody" He laughed.

"Now when I say pictures I mean like pictures of him, Erick and I sitting on his bed doing homework or Joel sleeping on his living room couch. THIS GIRL WAS A FULL ON STALKER. Now, me being the overprotective psychotic bestie that I am, I did some digging and I was trying to figure who this weirdo was. I noticed a pattern in all the pictures. Each one of them were taken from this huge tree that was across the street from Joel's house so after school one day I told Joel to go home and act as if everything was normal so Samantha didn't realize we were on to her, and I went to the tree. As I expected she was there with her stalker camera and OUT OF REFLEX, I smacked her in the face" She said.

"No, no, no don't lie Nadia" He joked. "I was terrified for Nadia's life so I was watching through my window to make sure somebody didn't attack her or something and as soon as I saw her smack Sammy I RAN out my door and when I got over there Nadia was all "ARE YOU INSANE?!?! BECAUSE I AM AND THE FACT THAT YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO STALK MY BEST FRIEND AND I WASN'T GOING TO FIND OUT IS STUPID" like she was going full on loca bro so I was trying to calm her down and then she actually did choke her and said "YOU LISTEN TO ME. YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE JOEL THE HELL ALONE OR I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL AND I WILL GET YOU ARRESTED BECAUSE WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS ILLEGAL DUMBASS" and I finally got a grip on Nadia and pulled her away before she killed her and Samantha ran away and forever stayed away from us" He said.

"I'm just confused... DOES SHE WANT ROUND 2!?!?? Because I may not be as close to Chris as I am to you but I sure as hell am NOT going to let her fuck with him. NOPE" She said. "Nadia relax" Said Joel. "I can't "relax" do you see how in love Chris looks?? If I go to him and tell him exactly what I just said happened to you he's going to say I'm just making stuff up and I'm not being a supportive friend. He'll never listen to me" She said with sadness in her voice. "But wait... he'll listen to you" She said to me with hope in her eyes. "Yeah I don't know what is about you but Chris trusts you" Said Joel.

"So you guys want me to tell him everything you just told me?" I asked. "Yes please because she's going to try and brainwash him and tell him how much of a psycho I am without telling him the whole truth" She said.

"Anything for you bestie" I said making her smile and run to hug me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" She said squeezing me tightly. "Joel I can't believe you went through that you poor thing" I said. "Yeah and I wouldn't have made it out alive if it wasn't for Nadia" He said.

"Well now I'm here and I won't let that psycho do the same thing she did to you to Chris" I said. "Woohoo Zabdi's going to save the day. Woooo" Said Nadia.

As soon as I went to turn the doorknob Chris opened it from the outside.

"Oh there you guys are I've been looking everywhere" He said.

Oh boy this is going to be harder than I expected.

- 1337 words -
Okay can I just say that I'm actually proud of this chapter. I didn't even think it through I wrote it on the spot. What better person to make Chris's psychotic girlfriend other than Sammy :)? I hope this chapter was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write and if you enjoyed it don't forget to comment and vote!!
Also I have like the next 2 chapters planned in my head already so expect them vv soon ;).

~Besitos, Katie<3

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