She Didn't...

21 2 27

Chris's POV

We've been in the car for about 20 minutes now and I have yet to shed a tear. I think it's because I'm still in shock. For all we know he could be dead... I've been thinking really hard about what could've happened to him from the time he left my house to now. All I think of is Richard.

I know he was going to his house to tell him how he feels but what if Rich didn't feel the same way and Joel... What if he hurt himself?? I swear I will kill Richard if he had anything, ANYTHING AT ALL to do with this. 

"Okay boys, we're here" Said my mom parking the car. "Would you like me to come with you or stay here?" She asked. "I think it'd be best if you stay here" I said. "Olay, if you need anything just call. I know how much you must be hurting inside right now" She said. "I just hope he's okay" I said before leaving the car.


To make my anxiety spike even higher, they made us sit in the waiting room. Apparently we can't see him yet which only makes me believe he's terribly injured.

"Wait you're ALL here to see the same kid?" Asked the nurse. "Yes...WHY IS SOMETHING WRONG?!?!" Asked Nadia starting to panic. "No, no he's just got one hell of a support system here" She said. "So we can see him now?" Asked Lexi. "What exactly happened to him?" Asked Erick. "You can't see him yet, and you'll have to ask him" She said. "Oh and you can't all see him at once, there too many of you" She said.

I looked around and realized everybody was here. Everybody except one...


That's weird, why wouldn't Richard be here...?

Then his doctor came out of the room.

"You guys may now see your friend, and as for the answer to your question, he was in a car accident" He said.

Joel doesn't even have a car let alone know how to drive so how was he in a car accident...

Once the doctor told us we could see him we all at once rushed through the door completely disregarding what the previous nurse said.

"OMG JOEL ARE YOU OKAY??" Asked Nadia. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Asked Zabdiel. "YOU'RE ALIVE" Said Erick squeezing Joel in a tight hug.

We were all so focused on the fact that Joel was okay that we didn't realize he was staring at the door.

"Look who decided to show up" I said. "Sorry, my car was gone so I had to walk here" Said Richard entering the room.


"Joel you have some explaining to do. NOW" I said. "There's not much I can tell you. All I know is I left Richard's house and I was in the middle of crossing the street, and then I woke up here..." He said.

"We got an update" Said a police officer entering the room. "We got a clear image of the license plate from the car that hit you from a security camera" He said. "The car is registered to a 'Richard Camacho' Do you know somebody who goes by that name?" He asked.

We all looked at Richard.

"That's impossible because I'm Richard Camacho and I can assure to you that I did not hit him with my car..." Said Rich. "If you don't have an alibi to confirm your location at the time of the accident then we're going to have to take you to the station" Said the police officer.

"I do have an alibi actually" he said. "My brother" He said. "And it's kind of embarrassing to admit but if you need more proof, I was with my brother because I was crying to him about how stupid I was for letting Joel walk out my door..." He said. "Oh- that's all the information we'll need" Said the police officer very awkwardly before exiting the room.

"Wait-" Said Erick. "But-" Said Nadia. "Did we miss something...?" Asked Lexi. "Now that, I was not expecting" Said Zabdiel. "Wait then who was driving Richard's car if it wasn't him?" I asked.

"Hmmmm let's think who would POSSIBLY want to hurt Joel" Said Nadia sarcastically. "Who?" Asked Erick. "I think you know the answer Chris" She said looking at me. "Why would I know the- you don't think..." I said. "She came for her revenge? Yes actually I do" She said. "And I'm just going to put it out there now. If I see her, I'm going to strangle her to death, and that's a promise" She said with a smile.

20 minutes later •

The police officer entered the room once more.

"Okay, new update. We called your brother and he confirmed your story, and we went over security footage from the security camera in front of your house and got a somewhat clear image of a female who looked around your age with light-brown hair and she was dressed in all black. Any ideas who that might be?" He said.

"SAMANTHA" We all said in sync.

Just then Nadia ran out the door. Erick and Lexi both tried to stop her but she was too fast.

"Oh my God she's going to kill her" Said Erick running after her. We all followed.

"The car is gone..." Lexi whispered to herself. "THE CAR IS GONE, NADIA TOOK THE CAR" She yelled. "We should probably go after her right?" Asked Zabdiel. "YES YOU IDIOT" Said Lexi. "Rich you stay here with Joel and please for the love God, try not to do and or say anything stupid" I said.

"No promises" He joked.


...My brother walked in my room while I was typing this and I was terrified he was gonna ask me what I was doing. Luckily he didn't... Imagine me trying to explain... Anyways, I just wanna know why so many people thought I killed Joel... Why- I'm not that heartless :,(. He may not be my favorite person in the world BUT I'M NOT GONNA KILL HIM -_-
Buttttt hope you enjoyed this chapter teehee :D.

Oh and THE TOA LA NOCHE MV IS DROPPING TODAY (it's currently 4am for me) I'M SO EXCITEDDDDD. It better be fire considering how long they made us wait for it.


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