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(That picture seems very fitting for this :,) )

Soooooo after some thinking I've decided that the last chapter I uploaded will be the last chapter of this story. Idk it just seemed like a nice place to end. (I mean except the whole Lexi being heartbroken thing ofc...) Also I have no more ideas for it so yeah. EVEN THE LAST LINE SEEMED LIKE A CLOSING LINE.

"We may be one hell of a dysfunctional group of friends but we're always there for each other"

At first I didn't like this book at all because it was my first one and I didn't really know how to write it but once I did like the first 3 chapters I grew to love it and now ending it is so emotional :,).

But yeah that's the end of this chrisdiel fanfic (feat. richel teehee). Hope you liked it :). But that's not the end of chis and his cute a$$ ships, I have a new book that I think has 7 chapters now? titled 'Mine' which is oreo vs chriserick (feat. zaberick).

But thanks for reading through this whole book, I love youuuuu<3


(Comment if you want a sequel!!)

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