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If only things had gone that good for Joel...

Joel's POV

This might just be the dumbest idea I've ever had... I have this very bad feeling that everything's going to go wrong and I'll be left with an even more broken heart but I'll never know until it happens.

"Hey Joel what-" He said opening the door. "We need to talk" I said walking inside. "Sure, what's on your mind?" He asked. "You" I said. "Oh- what about me?" He asked. "Don't play stupid" I said.

"You know Rich you're the most confusing person I've ever met" I said. "First you wanted me then you didn't, then you did again, and then you go and ignore me for an entire week, THEN you go and pull me into your house and-" I said. "Joel calm-" He said. "NO DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN" I said. "OH AND NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT SOMEHOW WE DO ALL THAT BUT WE'RE NOT DATING" I said.

"Are you aware of how much pain you've caused me these past couple of months?? It's like you don't even care and whenever you want me, you have me but if I want you it doesn't matter. Richard I don't know how you feel but I have real feelings for you and I'm not ashamed to admit. I'm tired of doing whatever the fuck you want and being your good little puppy. I don't want this anymore. I want a real relationship and if you can't give that to me then I'll just have to find it somewhere else" I said.

"WELL?? SAY SOMETHING" I said. "You know what? Nevermind, this was a waste of my time" I said walking away. "Joel, wait" He said grabbing my arm. "What? If what you're about to say is not you saying you feel the same way or something along those lines, then I don't want to hear it" I said.

Of course he said nothing so I walked away. Why exactly did I listen to Chris again?

I feel like he just ripped my heart out of chest and crushed it. I really did have real feelings for him and for me to say all that without crying took a lot and now I don't know what to do.

I wanted him to say he felt the same way so I could just jump into his arms and he could hold me forever but I was wrong. This always seems to happen to me, I can never be happy for too long it always gets taken away from me, but what hurts even more is that I really thought he cared about me.


Chris's POV

I have a boyfriend. I actually have a boyfriend and it's the boy of my dreams, but I do feel bad for hurting Lexi... I'm going to feel that later. Literally.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Asked my mom entering my room. "Nothing" I replied with a huge smile. "Mhm okay" She said smiling at me suspiciously. "I actually came to tell you that you have a visitor" She said. "Really? Who?" I asked.

Please don't be Lexi, please don't be Lexi.

"Zabdiel" She said winking at me.

Oh thank God it wasn't Lexi.

"He's waiting downstairs for you" She said. "Just asking, is he your boyfriend or something?" She asked. "Ummm no..." I said. "Because you do know that if you were into guys you wouldn't have to hide it from me right?" She said. "I would be your number one supporter" She said with a smile while embracing me in a loving hug. "Yeah of course I know that" I said hugging her back. "I'm going to go downstairs now to see my FRIEND" I said before leaving the room.

My mom doesn't know I like guys, well actually I think she knows but I never confirmed it. Although I know she would be supportive, my dad wouldn't and I'm afraid if I tell her he'll find out and that won't end well at all so I'd rather just keep it to myself.

"Hey Zab, what are you doing here so late?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"Zabdi?" I said. "Are you okay?" I asked.

When I walked up closer to him I could see his eyes were red and puffy as if he'd been crying for awhile.

"Baby what happened??" I asked running into his arms.

"Nadia called me..." He said.


"Joel's in the hospital" He said crying in my arms.


Okay you can't seriously tell me that you didn't see something terrible coming... I seriously have a problem with letting everything be 'happily ever after' I always do something to ruin it... The only question is... What the hell happened to Joel??

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