Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

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----Later at Lexi's house----

Nobody's POV

"I should've known when you were being extremely nice that there was something wrong" Said Chris. "Its okay you were blinded by her beauty. We all are" Said Nadia. "Guys you don't think this was a bit too much?" Asked Zabdiel. "TOO MUCH?!??" said Nadia. "He wouldn't listen to us this was our only choice" Said Nadia.

"Can one of you please untie me" Said Chris trying to break free. "Hmmm let me think...NO" Said Joel. "He's literally tied to a chair and none of you see anything wrong with this at all?" Asked Zabdiel. "Now he has no choice but to listen to us so no, not really" Said Lexi. "And what if his girlfriend comes looking for him?" Asked Zabdi. "Well then that's perfect we'll just tie her up too" Said Nadia laughing.

"Now Chris, let me ask you a question: Do you GENUINELY think that if we were lying about your girlfriend we would go through ALL THIS??!" Asked Nadia aggressively. "Well Nadia you're pretty crazy yourself so I wouldn't put it past you" Said Chris.

"Okay that's enough with the Nadia crazy. The only crazy one here is YOU" said Zabdiel getting angry. "We could've and we should've just sat here and watched Samantha torture you like she did Joel but we care about you too much to watch that happen but you don't seem to care" said Zabdiel. "So here's the proof you asked for. All the creepy pictures and letters she sent to Joel because I'm done with this and I'm done with you" He said throwing the pictures at him and walking out of the room. "Zabdi calm down" Said Lexi chasing after Zabdiel.

"Talk about an exit" Said Nadia clapping her hands. "I guess we can untie you now" Said Joel. "Butttt, I'd rather leave you here a little longer" Said Joel walking out of the room and dragging Nadia with him. "WAIT GUYS ARE YOU SERIOUS!?? UNTIE ME" Yelled Chris.

Zabdiel's POV

I don't know why he makes me so angry but he just does. As I was walking away I felt somebody grab my hand so I turned around to see that it was Lexi.

"Lexi I'm-" I said before she cut me of by kissing me. "I didn't mean to-" she said before I kissed her again.

Then Chris walked by. His face looked like he just saw a ghost or something.

"Wait how did you get out?" Asked Lexi. "Your mom" He said to Lexi while pushing past me.

I'm not sure why he's mad at me at all. I did absolutely nothing to him.

"Lexi don't you think its a little weird to leave guys tied up in your room?" Asked Lexi's mom. "MOM THAT IS NOT-" Said Lexi. "Relax I'm just messing with you" Said her mom laughing. "She's so embarrassing" Said Lexi putting her head on my chest. "Haha yeah but its funny" I said laughing while wrapping my arms around her.

"Lexi...Can I take you on date?" I asked hoping she'd say yes. "Really? Yes!!" She said excitedly. "I have to go tell Nadia everything" She said running off to find her.


"Zab somebody's here to see you" Yelled my mom from downstairs. That's weird considering its almost 12am but ok. "Be right there" I yelled back.

When I got downstairs I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Chris. What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed. "I broke up with her" He said. "Okay and you're telling me this at 12am because?" I asked. "I did it because of you" He said with tears in his eyes.

I don't even know what to say to him right now.

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I wonder who he's gonna choose :0. Haha lol I know who but you don't ;). Anyways as usual hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Look at me posting 2 chapters in one day ;).

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