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The Next Morning

Zabdi's POV

"Okay so now that I know you have a crush on Chris, you do know that I will literally do anything to get you two together right?" she said smiling at me. "Because let's face it. Chris may have been straight before you got here but when he saw you, I saw the gay jump out. Literally." She said.

Joel, Nadia, Lexi and I have stayed away from Chris and the rest of the group since everything happened but obviously besides Erick because he's Nadia's boyfriend. Chris somehow convinced them that we were insane and that there's nothing wrong with his girlfriend who is clearly insane.

"Nadia you're forgetting the part where Chris isn't single" Said Joel. "I don't care if he's single or not" She said rolling her eyes.

To be honest I'm not even sure if I like him anymore. After he called me a liar to my face it was kind of a turn off.

"What if I don't like him anymore? What if I like somebody else?" I said. "Zabdi you told us this yesterday afternoon there's no way you already got over him. Who else could you possibly like?" She said. "Your best friend" I said with a smile before knocking on Lexi's front door. "OH HELL NO" Said Nadia.

"Lexi your friends are here to pick you up for school" Yelled Lexi's mom as she opened the door. "Hi you must be Zabdiel, Lexi's new friend. She's told me so many good things about you" She said to me with a smile.

"You guys can just come in and wait you know how Lexi is with taking 2 hours to get ready" Said her mom inviting us in.

"Zabdiel I swear to God for your sake you better be kidding about liking Lexi. I am crazy and I will murder you" Nadia whisper yelled to me. "Oh my gosh relax, what's the big deal?" I asked. "YOU LIKE CHRIS. THAT'S THE BIG DEAL" she whisper yelled. "You're just upset that Chris was a dick towards you so now you're trying to pretend that you don't like him anymore and I won't let you hurt my best friend in the process" She whispered. "Wha- I actually do like Lexi whether you believe me or not" I whispered back.

"What are we whispering about?" Joel said out loud. "SHUT UP" Said Nadia smacking Joel on the head. 

"Yeah what're we whispering about?" Said Lexi coming down the stairs.
"N-nothing" Nadia and I said at the same time. "Zabdi can I talk to you for a second?...alone" She said. "Uh-ye-yeah-sure" I said nervously.

Nobody's POV

"Looks like Zabdi's getting some" Said Joel laughing at Nadia. "When I murder you don't say you weren't warned" Said Nadia staring at Joel.

----In Lexi's Room----

"So. What did you want to talk about?" Asked Zabdiel sitting on Lexi's bed. "Um I don't usually admit these types of things but uh...I like you. Like a lot" said Lexi sitting next to Zabdiel. "And its okay if you don't feel the same way I just needed to let it out" She said. "Oh-" said Zabdiel. "Well I like you too. A lot" Said Zabdiel putting his arm around Lexi.

Suddenly Nadia bursts through the door.

"UMMM we need to start our walk to school now or we'll be late" She said smiling at Zabdiel. "Well played Nadia, well played. Nadia-1, Zabdiel-0" Joel whispered to Nadia.

----At School----


Remember the plan" Said Joel. "Got it" Said Lexi.

"Chris I miss you" Said Lexi pouting running into Chris's arms. "What?" Said Chris. "Yeah, What?" Said his girlfriend. "We haven't talked since Nadia, Joel, Zab and I wrongfully accused your girlfriend of being crazy" she said. "And personally I would like to apologize. I never meant to hurt you" She said. "Seriously?" Said Chris. "Babe don't tell me you believe this" Said Samantha rolling her eyes.

"Yeah seriously. You may have annoyed me more than anybody else on this planet, but I don't want to lose you as a friend" She said. "So to make up for it, Do you want to hang out later? Just the two of us?" She asked batting her eyelashes. "Sure why not" He said. "Okay!!" She said before walking away.

"Got him" Said Lexi walking back over to her friends. "This is going to be fun" Said Nadia smiling.

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Its the cliffhanger for me. But next chapter is going to be hilarious ;). OMG PLEASE TELL ME YOU GUYS SAW ERICK'S NEW HAIR. I SWEAR IF THAT ISN'T TEMPORARY DYE I'M FLYING TO MIAMI TO  FIGHT HIM. ANDDD, Did yall see Zab and Lex on the 4th of July? THEY WERE SO CUTE :').
But anyways, Hope you enjoyed this chapter, new one coming out later as well as a new Joerick chapter in my other book


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