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Zabdiel's POV

UGH.. I can't just leave him outside like this no matter how mad I am at him.

"Come in" I said annoyed. "So after we literally had to tie you down and physically throw the proof in your face, you believe us?" I asked. "Yeah...she is definitely crazy but that's not why I'm here, not to talk about her..." He said. "Chris what do you expect me to do? How am I supposed to react?" I asked. "You hurt me when you didn't believe me and now I'm supposed to run into your arms and be your boyfriend or something?" I asked angrily.

He didn't respond he just stared at me with tear filled eyes.

"When I said I was done, I meant it" I said. "I think you should go now" I said opening the front door.

I'll admit, the way I invited him in just to kick him out was kind of mean but he deserved it.

• The Next Day •

Today is the day. My friends are flying in to stay with me for the weekend. I just have to get through this dreadful school day and right after that I have to meet them at the airport.

Today's definetly going to be weird... Especially after what happened last night with Chris. I can't even tell my friends because it would be outing him so I just have to keep this all to myself. Great.

"Zabdi what's wrong? Something on your mind?" Asked Nadia. "What? Nothing I'm fine" I said not very convincingly. "Do you think we're stupid?" Asked Lexi standing on the other side of me. "Hmmm that's debatable" Laughed Joel. "Joel shut up, and Zabdi tell us what's wrong because I'm not asking" Said Nadia sternly.

"Okay fine... I'm just nervous because today is the day my friends are flying in and not to hurt your feelings or anything, but they don't really like you guys" I said.

That sounded pretty convincing to me so I hope they believe it because I can't tell them the real truth.

"WHAT? WHY??" Whined Nadia. "They think you guys are spoiled rich kids and they're afraid you'll whitewash me and turn me into one of you..." I said. "Okay, WOW" said Lexi. "Is that what you think of us too?!" She asked. "What? NO OF COURSE NOT" I said holding her hand. "Oh my gosh, are you two?-" Asked Joel trying to hold in his laughter. "WAIT..." said Nadia stopping in the middle of the hallway to look at me and Lexi. "WAIT YOU'RE- AND NEITHER OF YOU- I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS" She said before storming off. Joel just stood there laughing hysterically.

"I'm so sorry but when Nadia gets mad it's hilarious to me" He said. "Lexi I thought you said you were going to tell her" I said. "I was but when I went to do it, she started rambling about Erick and I didn't want to seem insensitive" She said.

"What about Erick?" Asked Joel. "Don't tell her I told you, but she thinks that her and Erick are going to break up..." She said. "How?! In what world is Erick EVER letting her go??" Said Joel.

"It's because of this whole thing with Chris and Samantha how she took your side and he took his side because he's his best friend and they haven't really spent time together lately and she's just worrying like always but I'm sure it's nothing" She said. "Did she forget the time when Erick was going to kill me because he thought I was flirting with her??" I asked. "Because that is not something a normal person would do" I said.

"What are we talking about?" Asked Erick walking up to us. "How you should go find your girlfriend and tell her how much you love her" Said Joel. "JOEL!" Yelled Lexi slapping his arm. "OW! What was I suppose to do, lie to him?" said Joel while rubbing his hurt arm. "She thinks you don't love her anymore so you should show her just how much you love her" Said Joel smirking at Erick. "EW GROSS" Said Lexi shoving Joel. "OW AGAIN. Can you stop abusing me?!?" Said Joel.

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