New Kid

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Chris' POV

I just saw some new kid I've never seen before drive by. And he just stared at me...weird. But there was something about him I just don't know what.

"Yo Chris let's hope the new kid you have to show around today is some hot girl" Said Chris' best friend Richard.

Oh shit I forgot the principal signed me up to show around some new kid. Its only because I know where everything is. Every classroom, every bathroom, everything. But no its not because I'm some A+ student or something. Its because I've probably most definitely fucked somebody in each of those places...yup.

"Yeah for you because I have a girlfriend remember?" Said Chris. "Yooooo Erick, Joel, you hear that? Chris has had the same girlfriend for a whole week! New record!" Said Richard. "Ha...Ha...hilarious" Said Chris annoyed. "What? There's nothing hilarious about that. That's a big deal we gotta celebrate bro" Said Erick. "Yeah for real we gotta throw a party or something" Joel chimed in.

"Do you guys think you're funny?" Said Chris stopping his skateboard and picking it up to walk into school. "We're being dead serious Chris. Every time you have a girlfriend its for like 2 or 3 days. 4 if you're feeling nice. But this girl has lasted a whole 7 DIAS??! No mames wey, que loco" Said Richard laughing. "Its probably because I didn't introduce her to you guys yet. That'll definitely scare her away" Chris said laughing and playfully pushing Richard. "Damn bro that hurt" Said Joel pretending to cry.

They all bursted into laughter.

"Alright let's meet up later. I gotta go show this kid around" Said Chris kind of annoyed. "Maybe if you weren't such a whore you wouldn't have to" Said Richard laughing. "Yeah" Said Erick agreeing with Richard. "Shut up y'all are just mad you can't get some" Said Chris with a huge smirk on his face. "What are you talking about? I have a girlfriend who I've been loyal to for more than 2 days. 2 months actually but you wouldn't know anything about that" Said Erick throwing shade at Chris.

Rich and Joel stood there shocked at what their best friend just said "Wow Erick you finally grew some balls.*claps hands* It only took you 8 years!!" Said Chris.

*Quick intermission* A/N: Things to know:
Chris is the oldest but Chris, Rich, and Joel are the same age (17) and Erick is 16.
Chris & Erick have been best friends for 8 years (since Chris was 9 and Erick was 8)
Chris & Rich have been best friends for 6 years (since they were 11)
Chris & Joel have been best friends their entire life. (They grew up living next door to each other)
They've been friends as a group for 5 years.

"Okay you guys are really starting to annoy me. Chris, go show the new kid around, Rich, go flirt with some girl who's dying to fuck you, and Erick, come with me to our lockers" Said Joel. "Oh- baby Joey finally taking charge" Said Chris chuckling while walking into the office. Joel just rolled his eyes in response.

"Baby I missed you so much" Said Erick's girlfriend running into his arms. "I missed you too babe" Said Erick pecking his girlfriend's lips. "Wha- you just saw each other last night" Said Joel in confusion. "You're just jealous. Its okay" Said Erick playfully. "I don't know why you won't just let me set you up with my best friend Lexi" Said Nadia. "Because Nadia, I don't like being "set up" with people its weird" Said Joel. "Yeah neither does she you're perfect for each other" Said Nadia smiling.

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