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The group split and went their separate ways and now it was just Chris and Zab.

"Do you really need a tour of the school?" Asked Chris while putting his hand on Zabdi's shoulder.

Zabdiel's POV

Oh.My.Gosh. He just put his hand on my shoulder. What do I do?? What do I say??

"Uhm depends. Do you really want to give me a tour around the school?" I responded. "Well obviously I don't want to. Who would want to spend their Monday morning going on a tour of the place they dread the most?" said Chris. "Not me that's who" He said.

He's cute when he's mad. He actually looks like one of those cartoon characters with the fire coming out of their ears. I will do anything just to please him.

(A/N I know exactly what you thought after reading that line because I did

"Well then don't I'm sure I'll be fine" I said. "So what are we going to do for the entire first period while I'm suppose to be showing you around?" Asked Chris. "What do you want to do?" I asked.

At this point I'll do anything just to stick by his side a little longer.

"Honestly? I want to skip first period and walk out the front door" Said Chris laughing.

Nobody's POV

"Well that won't be happening" Said a female voice coming from around the corner.

Any guesses on who it is before you read on ;)?

"Gosh mom relax its not that big a deal" Said Chris rolling his eyes. "Ya know, when Nadia told me there was a new kid and that you planned to make him like one of you and your terrible influenced friends, I didn't believe her. I thought you were a little better than that" Said Alexia. "Lexi you act like your words matter to me" Said Chris.

"Aw that's cute because that's not what you said when you were trying to get in my pants" Said Lexi with an attitude.

"Anyways, you must be the new kid. I'm Alexia, Nadia's best friend but you can call me Lexi" She said with a smile.

Zabdiel's POV

Wh-Who's THAT?! She's beautiful...

"I'm Zabdiel but you can call me Zabdi" I said. "Well then. Nice to meet you Zabdi" She said.

Nobody's POV

"We're here to rescue you from this monster who's literally trying to make you skip your first period on your first day" Said Lexi. "Lexi please stop. You're overreacting" Said Chris.

"Oh yeah? Do you have any idea how much trouble he would get in? Listen. You think just because you're good at all the sports you're the shit. Well guess what? You're not and you can't just get people to do whatever you want whenever you want and I won't let you drag this innocent guy into your shitty life" Said Lexi. "You really want to go down that road? You want me to tell YOU what are? Well you're-"

"OKAY ENOUGH" Yelled Zabdi. "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN FIGHTING ABOUT?" "I'm going to go with Nadia while you two CHILDREN work this out" Said Zabdiel with anger. "Ou I like you. Nobody can ever get those two to stop coming at each others throats yet somehow you silenced them" she said. "How??" She asked.

Zabdi's POV

Honestly I have no idea where that came from. I'm not a confrontational or mean person. Its just they reminded me of when my parents used to fight and I snapped. I didn't mean yell, seriously.

"Honestly Nadia I have no idea" I responded.

Nobody's POV

The two of them spent the rest of the school day together while avoiding Chris and Lexi. Nadia showed Zabdi around the school since Chris didn't do it.

Now its the end of the school day and the group of friends (Rich, Joel, Erick, Nadia, Lexi, and Zabdi) are walking home together. Minus Chris because he got detention for skipping 1st period.

For visual purposes: Rich, Erick, and Joel are walking in the front, Lexi is somewhat in the middle by herself on her phone not paying any attention to anything, and Zab and Nadia are in the back.

"Bro, not to sound like a jealous boyfriend or anything but, I haven't spent time with my own girlfriend all day because she's been with that kid and now they're walking behind the group" said Erick starting to get angry. "I don't care if you guys like him all I know is I don't and I want him away from my girlfriend now" Said Erick turning around to walk up to them.

"Woah, woah, woah. You're not doing anything stupid Erick, I won't let you" Joel said grabbing his arm. "Joel I'm not. I'm just going to nicely walk up to them, grab my girlfriend's hand, and walk away" Said Erick with a smile. "Bro you sound like a psycho, relax. You know, I know, we ALL know Nadia is madly in love with you and she's not letting go of you for some random new kid" said Rich. He continued. "And if you go over there acting all stupid and crazy she's going to be mad at you and it'll just start an unnecessary fight" Said Rich.

"Wow...that's the first thing you've ever said that wasn't stupid..." Said Joel with his mouth wide open. "Shut up bro you're so annoying" Laughed Rich.

Joel and Rich were too busy talking to each other that they didn't realize Erick had walked away.

Erick walked up to Zabdiel more angry than he was before.

"Can I talk to you for a second??" He managed to say without screaming. "Uh-Um-su-sure" Zabdi stuttered seeing that Erick was filled with rage.

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Idek what this chapter was but hope you enjoyed :). I'm gonna warn y'all: the next chapter is gonna be JUICY. Expect the Unexpected ;).
If you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!
Last thing- I didn't proofread so I apologize for any spelling errors, if there are any just comment where and I'll fix it :).

~ Besitos, Katie<3

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