Ch. 1- Meeting the boys

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Most days you stayed out with friends or at the river. You've always been known as a delinquent that always ran away from foster homes. 

You lost your parents at the age of 6. You were denied the chance to get a grimoire because of the abusive foster parents you had. 

They abused you because of your skin color. Your dark skin reflected brighter than anyone else's when the sun landed on you. 

At the age of 19 you decided to runaway totally. The legal age for parents to take responsibility of a child is 21, and not 18. Just leaving the house, wasn't enough to you.  You left  the country completely. 

You made a bird out of the little mana that you could muster using your blood magic attribute, which was never see in your country. Tho it is rare in other parts of the world.

You flew as far as your magic could carry you.

In one night you crossed lands and learned about solders that protect the lands called Magic Knights in Clover Kingdom. 

You decided to your self to go to that kingdom and become a Magic Knight.

You crossed seas that you never seen before.

Only stopping if you were too exhausted. Going around, you'd ask for food to carry with you. Some gave you food, while others spat in your face.

You endured your harsh journey until you saw a giant scull. You saw a small church and stopped. Walking up to the door you knocked at it. 

You fell to your knees as the door opened. The last thing you saw was kids that ran to your side before blacking out, from over use of your mana and exhaustion as well as hunger.

You awoke up to the smell of potatoes. Tho, it was really rare for you to get them in your country, and it the house, you enjoyed the smell. 

You opened your eyes and got off your resting place. Looking around you saw that you were in some kind of bedroom. 

You opened the door and you saw little children, two teens, a nun and an old priest. The nun recognized that you were awake and came over to you.

Y/n: " T...thank you."
Nun: "Anything dear. I'm sister Lilly."
Y/n: " F/n L/n."

She led you to the table where all the children were sitting waiting for sister to sit with you.

Teen one: " I'm Asta and this is Yuno. We're both 15."

The first teen had grey hair, with big green eyes and looked like he was happy to see you, the other one had black hair and gold-ish brown eyes that looked like he didn't like to be bothered.

Father said a pray while everyone began to eat. You just sat there looking at the potatoes in front of you. 

Being in an abusive home, with bad parenting, you turned to sister Lilly. Unsure if you were allowed to eat from the plat in frount of you.

Y/n: " C-can I eat?"
S. Lilly: " Yes dear"

You began to eat the potatoes, not caring for your dried mouth. 

You couldn't stop. You've left home with out food and travelled so far without it. Only getting when you stopped at other countries that spoke the same language.

You were really doing of hungrier.

Asta: " So Yuno, you ready to get your grimoire tomorrow?"
Y/n: " Grimoires? Tomorrow?"
Asta: " Yea. By the way... what's your name."
Y/n: " F/n L/n."
Yuno: " I'm going to be the wizard king."
Asta: " Not if I do first."
Y/n: " I'm going to be the first captain in history with a skin tone like mine. So that other dark skinned, people know that there's still hope for us."

The room fell quiet as you were asked your age and said you didn't have a grimoire.

After the food you had you decided to go back into the room you were in to sleep. Hopeful that, in your mind, you'd received a grimoire the next day.

Y/n mind: 'I hope I get a grimoire. I want to make my dream come true.'

~Black Queen~ Black Clover x FEM POC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now