Ch 8- The beach

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You created your blood bird to carry Asta, Noelle and a Finral, who just wanted to be as close to you as possible. 

You all set off in the direction of the beach, to the south east. When you arrived. 

You jumped off and smelled the salt in the air. 

You turned to Finral and hugged him. 

You ran after Noelle and Vanessa, who were already in the cabin, to change into your bikini.

After some time, you walked out of the changing room. 

You were in a black bikini. Vanessa was in her usual red, while Noelle was in a gold one, trying to get Asta's attention.

The boys were doing something which you thought was really stupid, but yet still really cute.

Noelle and Vanessa were sitting on a beach chair. 

Walking up to them you started talking. 

Then a weirdo with blond hair came flirting with you three. 

It was the same 'Buh Ha' dude from the entrance exam. but you couldent remember him.

You gave him a resting bitch face while Noelle and Vanessa told him off.

You decided to get a beach towel and go sun bath a little.

You were there like for 10 minutes when you heard captin Yami.

Y/n: " Aw. Fuck, Shit. Why now. Gosh."

You got up and walked over to the others who were LITURLY, shoulder deep in the ground.

Y/n: " Nigga, you better tell me why you had to cut my sun bathing time short. And what are you guys even doing that deep in the grou-"

Yami did something and you happened to in up there too. In the ground... with everyone elce.

He started explaining some things to more so Noelle and the rest of you. 

He started talking about the moon and the mana currants under water. 

Noelle had to master a spell in six days for the trip to the Underwater temple. You were dismissed after Noelle got her mission in mind.

You and Finral went for a swim together in the water while being idiots. 

At a part of your swim you almost had sex but Yami called you out.

The nights were the same as ever. Even though you didn't think you had a big role to play under water, you decided to train your self more. 

You were near the water's edge mediating, something that someone told you about, to settle your body and mind. 

The sounds of the waves are the most southing for mediating. You heard footsteps coming towards you. 

 Turning your head, it was captin Yami.

Y/n: " Captin? Need anything?"
Yami: " No, not really."
Y/n: " Are you ok captain? You never really talk to me privately like this. What's up?"

Yami only stared into the horizon. As if something was taking him out or he was bringing in something.

You looked at him for more than 10 seconds just wondering what was going on behind his eyes.

You turned towards the captin, who sat down besides you.

Not wanting to be suggestive, you looked at his neck. It was fucking thick. 

Even though you were in a relationship with the person right under him, you smiled to your self.

Remembering how you couldn't feel much at the age of 13, being in a family like that had it's effects on your heart and you trust abilities. 

Yami finally broke the silence after a good fifteen minutes.

Yami: " Y/n, you have scares on your legs and arms. What were they from?"

You were hesitant to even speak. You turned away and looked out again. 

This time like if you were making sure nothing was coming. You knew some day you was meant to tell your squad about your past. 

You just said what anyone would say to someone older than them.

y/n: "I'm not really ready to tell you or the squad just yet. Excuse me"

You got up and walked over into where you were staying for the week. 

Walking in the room, that you shared with Finral, you layed on the bed. 

Rolling over you grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. You heard your door open, close and locked. 

You turned to see Finral standing at the door.

Y/n: "Babe?!. Hi?"
Finral: "Why were you screaming into the pillow?"
Y/n: "I want the dick..."

You only said that to avoid telling him, but you really needed some dick right there and then.

Finral: "Why didn't you say so chocolate? I've been craving you for a while now."

You blush as he got closer to you and slid his body between your legs as he pinned you down to the bed.

He rubbed over your scars and locked onto your eyes, only to be met with yours

Finral: " Baby? What are these from?"
Y/n: " Their nothing. I'll tell you. Just fuck me please?"

You never thought Finral could get like that. So dominating. 

Giggling you pulled him in for a kiss. He licked your lip for access, but you denied. 

Gripping your sides you let out a gasp as his tongue slipped in. Tongues fighting for dominance while your legs were wrapped around his waist. 

Breaking the kiss for air, only to start again. The heat between your legs was starting to get unbearable. 

Fin stopped the kiss only to trail down your neck to your shoulder. Getting to your sweet spot, you pulled off his shirt. 

You moaned into his ear as he reached your spot. You razed him over so you can remove your shirt. 

Hearing a knock on the door, you answered.

Y/n: " Yea?"
Magna: " Dont be too loud tonight you too."
Vanessa: " Because the moans are really loud."

Giggling, you turned back to your man. Who had a condom between his lips.

~Black Queen~ Black Clover x FEM POC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now