Ch. 3- The Magic Knights entrance exam

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When you arrived at the capital, the three of you were flooded with unnamable feelings. 

Asta looked like if his soul left his body, Yuno looked as thought he had been here before but you still saw shock in his eye. 

You, on the other hand, looked at shops and buildings, still receiving stares.

When you guys got to the front gate to get your numbers, the magic knight was examine your grimoire. 

Your number was 166, Yuno's was 167 and Asta's was 168. You walked into the arena waiting for it to start. 

You saw and felt eyes falling against your apparently suspicious skin color. 

You felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see a tall man. Only 2 inches taller than you. 

His hair was brown and he had on the Black Bulls robe. One of the squads you wished to be chosen by.

Just because it's layed back and you can help them improve. 

they have a bad reputation and more or less just do small work. But still get payed the usual amount. 

You looked him up and down as he spoke. Before he could complete anything, you stopped him, flustered as fuck with the sight of him in front of you.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying."

"Hehe, I said, my name is Finral. I admired your skin color as you walked in. And I thought to myself that I would have been able to take you out sometime."

You started to blush like crazy as he said that. You looked behind him and say a tall strapped older man holding Asta's head. You pushed Finral aside apologizing. 

You walked up to the man and got in your attack stands.

y/n: " Hey! Put him down asshole."

You said, then as the whose arena was quite. They all knew who the man was. But you had no clue who he was. 

The man dropped Asta and you ran to his head healing him for any possible injures.

y/n: " Idiot, you need to be more careful when it comes to men like him. And take it easy today, right shorty. Now you."

You looked at the man dead in his eyes and said..
Y/n: " Hurt him again, you're dead."
Finral: "C...come on Yami, it's about to start."

You looked turned and looked at the crowd. You put on your resting bitch face and spat at the ground.

You looked up at the balcony over head and saw that the captains were coming out. You blushed slightly as you saw them.
Captain of the Golden Dawn, the Crimson Lion Kings, the Silver Eagles, the Blue Rose Knights.

Until you saw the same man you JUST challenged.

Y/n mind: ' Shit he's a captain. I'm definably not getting into that squad.'

The captain of the golden dawn started speaking, informing every appclant about the tasks that were needed to pass the exam. 

A really large tree appaired over head as you got your broom. 

He started the test. 

You looked at Yuno who was already in the air. You stood on your broom and got up in the same level as Yuno. 

He smiled at you. You tried making conversation with him. It went along well, tho you heard people laughting.  

You look back to the magicless boy as he tries to fly with his broom. You go down to his level trying to give him some advice.  

There was some idiot that kept saying "Huh hah", or some shit there with him too.

The time for that was called. All the other parts of the test were done easily but you and Yuno, but Asta was struggling for them. 

Next was the hand to hand combat. There was a royal boy that schemed a little 'stock up'. No really motherfucking stock up. 

He partners up with you. You were glad for the opportunity to smack shit a lousily ass bitch.

Asta was the first person from the three of you to go first.

The match ended as soon as it started. Everyone in the arena gasps as you and Yuno smiled.

After a lot of other matches you decided to go because the noble was getting on your nerves.

Noble: "I'm going to make you fall, peasant."
Y/n: " Not if I do it first, Mr. perfect."

This made him a little hot headed. He activated his wind magic and sent a gust of wind at you.

His magic attribute didn't have an affect on you because of the training you did with Yuno.

Using your grimoire, you moved to the side and made a blood katana and used it against him. You got up close to him and hit him with your blade. 

With impact you managed to touch his bear skin. You held out your hand as he began you yelp in pain. 

Your fierce movements caused him to black out. And also you to stand tall. Walking towards the noble on the ground.

y/n: " You need to control your movements, Mr. perfect. If I wasn't nice enough, I wouldn't have thought of your life as valuable." 

You walked back into the crowd.

After all teams were finished, numbers were being called. You were holding onto Yuno and Asta's hands. When your number was called, you walked up and stared at the captains nervously.

Knight: "166, any takers?"

You saw 4 of the captains raised their hands. The crimson lions, the blue rose, silver eagles and the black bulls.

You had to chose. You said with your most formal voice posable.

Y/n: "Thank you captions. I pick the Black Bulls."

The other captains looked pissed as they swung their heads towards the Black Bulls captain, who had a small smirk on his face. 

Next it was Yuno's turn. He got all hands. ALL HANDS..... The fuck? they think he a god or some shit???

Everyone was shocked, his magical power was exceptional. He picked the golden dawn. 

Asta's turn was next. 


That's all you felt really and truly.

You held his hand before he went to face the captains and gave him a small hug before letting him go. 

He got no hands, thought you almost started crying, the Black Bulls captain MADE him join his squad. 

You screamed out in joy that he was still able to get into a squad. You hugged Asta as he turned to you.

Soon as it was all finished. You saw your new captain and squamates walking towards you. 

You, Asta and Yuno were invested in a conversation, when Asta was picked up by the head.

You swung around in full, badass, black queen, mode, ready to slice open whoever the fuck is messing with your child.

And it was... Yami.... 

God leave him aloneeeeeee.

You felt a hand rest on your shoulder and turned to see Finral. 

You turned your head away to hide the burn in your cheak. 

You said your good byes to the new golden dawn member as you three path ways. 

Two going the same direction. One the opposite.

Y/n and Asta at the same time.

"I'll be waiting."

~Black Queen~ Black Clover x FEM POC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now