Ch.19- My Past Is.... Scary

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With the three males in my room, seated on my bead with me, I began my story.

Y/n: " So at the age of 4, my family and I moved to a place called Arima. It was cute to be in but also, I don't remember much of it. While we were there, my mom got sick. I tried to help her but when I turned 6 she died.


Mentions of child abuse.

Little Y/n: " Mommy let's go play cop."
Mom: "I can't muffin. I'm sick. You can ask your dad"

I ran to my father to ask him to go to the park to play, but I saw him with some men. They were both towering over my father as he kneeled in front of them.

Y. y/n: " Daddy? What are you doing on the floor?"
Dad: " Y/n? Cupcake go back to your mother."
Y. Y/n: "But I wanna play cop with you. Mommy told me to come ask you to play."
Dad: "We can play after ok?"
Y. Y/n: " Yes daddy, I love you!"
Dad" I love you too..."

I skipped away from my dad and the house and went to the park alone. I sat in the sand box and was building a castle of some sort. 

I saw a pregnant woman and her husband walking by. I ran up to them.

Y. Y/n: "Excuse me? Can I touch your belly?"

The lady had golden eyes and glistening black hair. Her smile was soft as she spoke back to me.

Lady: " Sure little one."

I placed my hand on her belly and felt a heartbeat. My heart skipped two beats as I placed my head on her belly.

Y. y/n : " How Many babies are in here?"
Lady:" Just one."
Y. Y/n :" Awesome."

My smile left as I saw the two men that were speaking to my father entire the park. My body went into flight as I excused myself from the couple and ran.

I ran straight home, with out turning back.

I walked into my mother's room so I wouldn't startle her. But.... She was gone. I ran back outside and saw her feet to the back of the house.

There she was ... Laying on the floor with blood leaving the sides of her lips. My mother was dead right in front of me. I ran from the spot and started looking for my dad.

I ran, I looked, I called, but never got an answer. Tears stream down my face and fogged up my vision as I crept on looking and calling for my father.

I didn't know what happened but next thing I knew I woke up in a white room for with a blinding light. There were tubes stuck in my arm and something beeping to my right.

The door to the left of me opened and a man walked in. He had on a white doctor's robe and black dress shoes. His hair was slick back neatly and he used glasses.

Doc. :" Good morning. How are you feeling? You don't need to be scared. I won't hurt you. My name's Max. What's your name?"
Y/n: "Y/n.... Y/n L/n"
Doc. : Well then y/n, I have some people that would like to talk to you. Here they are. This is Mr. and Mrs. Solomon.

Two persons stood at the door as the doctor introduced them to me. 

The female had blond hair that was styled in a small messy bun. With black eyes that screamed 'run away'. She had on a soft yellow sundress with sunflowers on it. 

Which didn't even try to hide the danger about her character.

The male had black hair which were died red. His brown eyes showed anger and disappointment the moment they hit my skin. His hair was wild and unkempt. He wore a simple black t-shirt and jeans.

Their apprentices were scary to look at and hard to make eye contact. I tried avoiding their gazes as best as I could.

Doc: "Y/n, these are your new parents."
Y/n: " New parents?? They'll never be my parents!! I want my mommy!"

I started throwing a tantrum while the doctor tried calming me down. My mother died in front of my eyes and my dad is missing. I'm going to find him. I will find him.

Doc: "Y/n your family is dead..."

Tears start filling up my eyes as the words sunk deeper into my mind and stabbed my heart a thousand times. I lost the tantrum.

I looked at the two people who were to take care of me from then on out. They both and smiles on their faces that made me fear them more.

Y/n: "Kimi no namaie?"
Woman: "What?"
Y/n: " I asked for your names...."
Woman: " I'm Jordan and this is Lucas."
Y/n : " I'm never going to call you my parents. Can I go now?

My attitude changed as well as my mind. I was never a smiling kid at their house. But for school, I was known as the most outgoing.

When I was 7 is when the abuse started. I got home late because I walked my best friend to her house.

As I opened the door, I felt a pain in the side of my neck. I fell to the floor and grabbed the spot. I removed my hand and saw blood. I look up to Lucas who had a knife in his hand and screamed.

Jordan: " you should have cut it deeper, love. It's gonna heal from that"

I took two movement backwards before being yanked into the house. My screams ringed my ears as my legs and arms were being sliced. 

Jordan just watched not caring at all, while Lucas began kicking my sides and where he had cut open.

Jordan: " You're a worthless piece of shit. No wonder your parents left you. They hated you. I hate you. "

Tears rolled down my {s/t} skin as those words ringed in my ears. Trying to get deeper.... And they did. They got to me and I gave up.

I had completely stop trying to defend myself. This happened for the rest of my life. 

Denied being able to get a grimoire, not allowed to leave when I want. Almost been drove to prostitutions

I wanted another life. I didn't want to live. I would have trained with the little mana I had... But I still felt like giving up.

One day I was walking with my best friend. When she stopped me and told me something I didn't want to hear, but needed to.

Bestie: " Y/n.... You should run away."
Y/n: " No... You know I can't. I've tried that, but they always find me."
Bestie: "I know Y/n. But what if you go past the ocean? You can be safe and free! I only want what's best for you. Your my best friend and I don't want you to leave by ending yourself. Please.. run away from here!"

Tears streamed down her peach skin as she pushed me away and ran to the direction of where I stayed, to that house.

She really want me to leave and be free... I didn't want to disappoint her.

Y/n: " Sasha wait.."

I ran up to her and pulled her into a long hug.

Y/n: " Thank you... Thank you so much for being my best friend till this day. I'll come back for you once I've made it save and I've become stronger. "
Sasha: "You better. Love you bestie!"
Y/n: "Love you too bestie!"


Y/n: " From that day... I ran and left my bestie friend behind. I ran and got to Hauge. I met you guys. I trained with you. I fell in love. And now my heart is shattered.

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