Ch. 2- the grimoire and training

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The next day, you woke, you ran out of your room to see Asta and Yuno standing with everyone else as they walked out the church.

Asta: "Time to go get out grimoires, y/n, Yuno."

You nodded at him and walked behind.

When you walked into the grimoire tower your mouth dropped. The sight of what inside looked like. Hundreds of grimoires sitting on shelves. 

You stood next to Asta and Yuno with all the other 15 year old's. The Guard, of the tower, began talking about the tower. 

Then it was time to get the grimoires. You held out your hands hoping to get chosen by a grimoire. 

Different ones of color and size floated to their selectors with grace and busting in different colors. From black to white. 

Yuno was given a four leaf clover grimoire. You looked at the ground as tears filled your eyes, until you saw a red light floating in frount of you. 

You looked up to see a white grimoire. The traced pattern on it consist of vines that looked well carved onto the surface of the book. 

The color of blood held the contrast in respect to your magical attribute.

Holding it you felt your mana increase. You looked at the leaves of the clover and was shocked to see not a three leaf clover, but four.

You looked at Yuno. He held a smug look on his face. you smiled as you made your way to congratulate him. 

Unknown to you, the other of you three stuttered some words to the guard. 

Asta: "U...umm, is my grimoire running late, or something...?"
Guard: "Uhh... Try again next year?"

The whole room began to laugh at it. You were about to say something when you saw a tear roll down from his eyes. 

Even though there were people laughing you could hear whispers about you. 

Your skin color, the, apparently, HUGE fact that you were given a 4 leaf grimoire. 

You walked out of the crowd to go to the door. Before you left you turned around. Letting your mana round wild, but still controlling it, you turned to the crowd. 

Asta still stood where he were. You can tell that he was disappointed in himself.

y/n: "I don't know anything about this place, but I do know that I'm going to become a magic night. Even thought I might not make it as soon as I join the Magic Knights, I know that Asta is going to be the wizard king. Any objections may taste my blood."

Even though you've just met these people hours ago, you trusted them. Enough that you would fight for them.

You don't trust people easily but when you do it's because they've given you a place to stay and food. 

You left the tower and ran to the church. You let out joyful screams as you saw the path of your dreams become clear in frount of your eyes.

Hours later, you saw Asta and Yuno walking down the hill from the tower. You went out to get water from the well for father, bucket in hand.

Y/n: "Asta, Yuno!"

The short grey head boy came running down the slope.

Asta: "See y/n, I got my grimoire."

You felt like if you've known these two boys your entire life. You were proud of the three of you.

You felt welcomed into the family. No matter what you looked liked. 

Neither your puffy hair or darker completion to the others, they never questioned your reason.

You had six months to train for the upcoming entrance exam. 

Everyday you trained with the boys, from morning till night, sometimes you tried going an all night-er just training with the energy bunny asta. 

The boy never gives up. Which you felt was quite annoying. As you trained with the boys over the months you started opening up and smiling more. 

Even though that smile was just covering up your past. You learned different spells such as a healing spell, defense spells, attach spells as well as transport spells. 

Yuno has gotten stronger with the passing of months than the first time you spared with him. 

Asta usually never shows any fear. You had different stands that you were comfortable for each of your spells. 

You kept on getting stronger and stronger. you managed your mana in a way that would extend your time limit.

Though you'd over think about your limits and pass out.

Five months and a half of intense training later, the three of you had to go the distance to the capital.

y/n: " Lets go guys. Thank you for everything father, sister Lilly, kids."

The three of you walked off to the direction of the capital, for your entrance exam. Training on the way there.

~Black Queen~ Black Clover x FEM POC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now