Ch. 5- My first mission

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A few weeks after the boys recovered, you were all sitting in the common room waiting for orders. 

Yami came in, taking a huff of his cigar, he said:

"We have a new mission. There's a building that appeared on the border of the Dimond kingdom and the Clover kingdom. Asta, Noelle, Y/n and Luck. Take this one. Luck your in charge of the newbies. Finral open a portal closest to the donjon as posable."
Finral: " Yup."

You ran up to Finral and hugged him. "I'll be back Fin."

The four of you walked in the portal and you were bought to a little hill. 

Clouds were rolling in but not much to cause a sudden downpour. 

The breeze blew past your ears and kissed your face. Sweet fragrances of the honey butter flowers that stood on the tree above you danced with the wind and sped all over the hillside. 

As you walked down with Noelle, Asta and Luck ran down like little kids. Noelle turned to you.

Noelle: "...You like Finral, dont you?"
y/n: " W...what? Of course not. I-I-I-I-...Ok fine..... Maybe I do."
Noelle: "Knew it."
y/n: "Shut up."
Noelle: "Hey, I'm royalty!"
y/n: "I'm older than you and also taller."

You started sprinting to catch up with the boys, that were a few measures infrount of you. 

They had stopped at the bottom of the hill. Where there was a doorway that stood out of the ground under your feet. 

The four of you walked in. 

The little light you had was being held by Asta. Who was also being held by the scared royal. 

At one time, Noelle made asta drop the lamp.

Y/n: " Guys!"
asta: " Sorry Y/n."

You kept walking, Luck leading the way because of his strong way of sensing mana, he was the perfect guide for the dark corridors. 

You then came to a big open room. 

Water flowing all over like if the place had no gravity.

Noelle stepped in and activated a trap spell. Asta was the first person to move to rescue here from the trap. 

He himself activated a trap spell.

Luck found the trap spells easily and activated them, while Asta deactivated them with his anti-magic sword.

You activated your blood bird and flew throught the air above the three, scanning the perimeter.

You felt strong mana from one of the doorways. Luck looked like he felt it too. 

He left the three of you of you to work by yourself.

Y/n: " Luck?!"

You heard Noelle scream. You turned to see a trap plant that had cough her. 

Asta tried to rescue her again, but he also got cough up in the vines. 

You readied your blood daggers to help them, then you saw wind spares attaching the plant. 

You turned to see no other than the black haired boy with two others.

Y/n: " Yuno!"

You stopped your blood bird and ran and hugged Yuno. Asta came up to him. 

Yuno was here with a tall blue haired man with glasses. His body features were hidden behind his expensive looking uniform. 

And a short girl with orangey-pink hair which was and looked really cute in her uniform. 

The blue haired man started to speak.

: "Yuno, who are these people?"
Yuno: " These two are my friends from Hauge. Asta and Y/n"
y/n: " Hi. Who are you?"
: " I am Klaus Lunettes."

Asta and Yuno began to talk about their rivalry while Noelle spoke with Mimosa. You were hesitant to talk to Klaus, but he began.

Klaus: "Your skin. Why is is that dark?"
Y/n: "It's melanin. It's not a skin condition, its just that I was born with it."{I honestly don't know how we're exactly supposed to explain our skin color to people that has never seen a black person. Id picture them not knowing shit about it.}

You decided to separate to get to the treasure room. 

You have a strong way of scanning mana just like Luck but not as strong as his. 

You guided the way to the treasure room with Asta and Noelle. 

You felt the mana from Luck, which he was letting out strongly.

Y/n: " Luck is letting off a lot of mana. I think he's fighting.."

You followed the mana to a smoky room. You fall in the smoky room and put up a blood dome around the four of you.

Y/n: "Luck the fuck is goin go?"
Luck: "I'm fighting an insane magic user."

Luck fell to the ground in a way as though he couldn't breath. 

You were so confused as to why he was acting like that. Till the mage said that he put a spell in the air and since luck was there longer he got the most of the effects of the spell.

Y/n: "Shit..."

Time skip cuz im lazy.

The Diamond mage that was producing the smoke ran away. 

You followed Luck that got a strong mana presentence. The four of you ran to see another Diamond mage. He had a big diamond blade. 

It was in the air pointing at Yuno.

Klaus was dealing with clones of the mage while Mimosa was in her own healing magic. 

As the blade was going to strike Yuno, Asta cut the blade in half. 

You jumped to his side as Noelle ran towards the other two. You ran towards Yuno and hit him on his head.

Yuno: " Ow brownie."
Y/n: " Idiot, you tried to take all the glory for your self again."

You looked at Yuno who was trying to attach the diamond mage. You stood and took out your grimoire.

Y/n: " Blood Magic: Blood Stop"

The man started bleeding up. Unable to move his limbs from lack of blood and air, he fell. 

Klaus tied him up with his steal magic. You all stood wondering what to do to get the door open. 

Luck identified that it was made of mana. Asta did a great job cutting the big boor open. 

As you stepped in you saw lots of coins and magic items.

Everyone was walking in and around, looking at things. 

You saw a small scroll with in the coins. Picking it up and examining the scroll you saw a drawing of drop of blood on it. 

You opened it to see things that you couldn't understand. Your grimoire started glowing.

You took it out and then a bright red light shone, blinding your eyesight for a second. 

The scroll was empty when you were able to see again. You turned around to see another bright light, coming from the direction Yuno was standing.

As you turned around, you were stabbed with a diamond blade. 

It sunk into your stomach. Barely missing your major organs. You fell back to the floor. 

The boys were stock as the diamond mage got up from his iron cage into a large diamond war thing of a bob.

He had flame magic covering his body. You saw Asta defending Mimosa and Noelle. 

Asta was trying his best to protect all of you as Mimosa was trying to heal both Noelle and yourself. 

Before blacking out after you saw a flash of red and white light before your eyes.

"y/n, y/n!"

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