Ch 7- Drunk confessions.

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You arrived at the base. Swinging the door open, you saw your squad mates and the captain in the common room. 

The air was filled with smoke, booze and food. 

Everyone was sitting there doing their own thing, while Charmey was cooking another pot of delicious food.

Y/n: "Vanessa. I need a bottle. Give me a drink of your favorite bottle."

You started drinking the bottle that she gave you. It was bitter but the burn was satisficing.

Already tipsy after finishing two bottles. You could see everything spinning but not to fast. 

After another two and a half bottles you were more or less drunk. You started slurring your words, just a good bottle away. 

But that didn't stop you from spilling your secret. even though it wasn't that big of a secret

Y/n: " Today was hard. We had to fight some people from the Eye of the Midnight Sun or what ever. Nozel is cute. I'd date him to be honest. Fuegoleon is sleeping. He looks older that the wizard king. Asta got kidnaped but ole man Jules bought him back. Wait..... baby!!"

You spread your hands in the direction of Finral. His face began flushing with red as all eyes were on you.

Y/n: " Captin. Can I date your ride? He's so cute."
Yami: " I don't care."
y/n: " Yayy. Come here Finral."

You layed on Finral's cheast while talking with Vanessa. The both of you made funny and endless jokes as Finral just straddled your body after you sat up. 

You more or less passed out after a while.

You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. Your head hurt so bad. 

It felt like if you were attacked multiple times. Walking out of your room to the common room, you saw everyone there. 

Vanessa passed out on the sofa and everyone stared at you as you walked in. 

You could feel the tension and see Finral hiding his face.

Y/n: "What's yo problems?"
Asta: "Finral is blushing so hard right now."
Luck: " Last night you said something and he just went along with it when you were drunk."
Y/n: " What did I say?"
Noelle: " You said he was cute."
Charmey: " You called him 'baby'. La."
y/n: " I-I did??"
Yami: "You asked if you could date him."
y/n: " Guys, next time I'm drunk, I want one of you to record my ass. Cuz' I can't reamber shit."
Finral: " You're amazing."

Finral said that nuzzling into your neck and holding you around your waist. 

From the back of course. You looked at everyone, who had hearts in their eyes. 

You were just standing there, because you didn't really know how to react. Yami was too invested in his news paper to even care. 

You were a blushing mess when everyone started giggling at you.

Finral: "I like you." in almost a whisper.
y/n: " I like you too."

Vanessa woke up and yelled, "When is the wedding?"

You turned around and placed a kiss on Finral's cheak. He giggled and did the same.

~Time skip- 2 months of other people having random missions.~

You sat in your room reading your favorite manga {Imma just say that to like say yes} Boko No Hero Academia. 

And like any great person, you have at least three people you fell in love with. 

Bakougo, Shoto and Deku. You heard a knock on your door.

Y/n: " Come in"
Fin: " Hey chocolate"
Y/n: "Hi vanilla."

You both started talking about something random. Like what kind of mission you'll be going on next.

y/n: "I wanna go in a strong magic re-"

You were cut off by Finral kissing you. You kissed back and then it started to get heated. 

You found your self over Finral, while he layed on your bed. The rough kisses were your favorite way of making out. 

Before you knew what was happning, one his hands were on your waist, while the other was on your leg. 

He turned you over while calling dominance. Giggling you let him top you. 

He started kissing your neck and down to your sholder, looking for your sweet spot. Kissing different stops till he found it.

You moaned at the touch of his lips on your spot. Telling him that he found it.

Y/n: "Baby stop. What if someone heard us."
: "Finral, stop trying to rape y/n and both of you get down here."
Finral: " Aww, you got saved."

Yami: "We're going to the beach. We have a mission in the under water magic area. Get ready."

You, Vanessa, Noelle and Charmey went Bikini shopping. 

While the boys did their thing. looking for what ever they wanted to ware

~Black Queen~ Black Clover x FEM POC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now