homework 2 + story ideas?

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so idk the hw involved uh drawing what u feel in this musical piece
n i used richard strauss' adagio cantabile and this is wat came out

so idk the hw involved uh drawing what u feel in this musical piecen i used richard strauss' adagio cantabile and this is wat came out

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cuz idk the beginning seems mellow n calm n shit so i thought liek there was a couple living a happy life n shit. but that part fades out soon, which i perceived as the life of the gal passing away n then it was followed by intense music, as if the other was struck by grief and depression ig for losing such a dear loved one. then by the time the intense part ends, they dancs with the ghost of their lover, n with the music calming down, they accept her death as she flies up and fades.

so anw that idea as a whole was inspired by a story idea i made not long ago

title: idk havent thought about it yet
genre: drama?? romance n supernatural??

okay so:

the 2 characters are a long distanced couple. they havent met yet, theyve only seen each online.

person a has this internal problem in their body so they will need a surgery. they know they have to tell person b, but they plan tp tell them after bc they were confident itd go well.

it did not.

so person a's soul went off to a place called [insert name place where souls/ghosts live] and they meet som kinda manager who explains the place to the newcomers.

the place is basically a ghost world to the humans, they cant see it, or at least arent abled to. the souls can choose to move on and be reincarnated or smth in another place or universe. or they can stay to watch over others lives.

person a chose the latter as they sought off to find where person b was. and there they saw person b, who was waiting for person a to message. they couldnt help but feel so guilty at the sight, and decided to keep an eye on them.

person b literally had no clue about person a's death or condition. the condition they knpw very little about bc person a never talked about it.

one day, few days after their death, person c (best friend that lives near and that know person b's existence) told person b what happened to person a.

they were distraught. immensely. they also felt betrayed too since why didnt they tell them. but ever since knowing that, person b slowly n steadily fell into an endless spiral of sadness n depression n hopelessness.

bc to person b, the only person they rlly had was person a.

and they were gone.

days passed and person a watched person b get progressively worse n worse. person a couldnt do anything, and they felt bad about it. more days passed and person a was about to see something they never thought would.
person b was going to harm themselves. and person a wasnt gonna let that happen. they still wanted to stop person b, regardless of the fact they cant interact with anything in the human world.

just as person b was going to cut, their hands froze, and person a felt something in their grasp. then person b was able to see person a, and terrified confusion occurs.

person a explains everything and it was hard to talk to person b about it because of.... yknow everything that happened. and idk what goes on from there.

but brain said, whatever person a did wasnt uncommon in the ghost world, however it is not allowed to do so. because its possible that everyone could start seeing ghosts n there could be an imbalance so they try to keep the ghost visibility low as possible. so what will happen to person a is that they will be taken bacc to the ghost realm while the managers erase person b's memories about everything they learnt, except for some stuff that they needed to actually know like in this case: the reason why person a didnt tell person b about everything. and other stuff like it.

person a cant go back to spectating person b bc it might happen again so they were told to either stay in one place and spectate others or move on. they chose to stay. they wanted to wait for person b.

even if that took years.



title: how to train your asshole
genre: bl, romance, smut(yea ig)

so uh basically:

person a is this aggressive loud guy that everyone sees as an asshole, which he kinda is.

person b is his friend who can only so tolerate him, but he's the so called cool/smart guy in school ig.

and well, shenanigans happen with this 2 n person b was like "goddamnit i have to learn how to tame this mf" n so it becomes how to train your asshole.

but theres also another thing.

so, one day, these 2 were drinking. dont worry, theyre lf legal age to do so. and well, both became horny n decided to fucc. person b was the top, bc surprise surprize to him, person a was still a virgin.

after that day, well, person a remembered about n he liked it n he wanted to try again, so he called person b. they did it again, n person b kinda thought "ig this is one way to train your asshole".

one thing person a didnt expect about person b is how dominant he could get n liek how much he teases n comtrols his sexual desires n person a is liek "shit thats hot".

it almost becomes the norm for them to do it almost everyday.

but outside of that, ever since that drunken sex day, they felt.... closer to each other. and to person a's case, he was falling in love. like he never thought he'd fall for his best friend but now here he is. n internally hes like "bUT THAT SEX WAS NO HOMO THO. RIGHT?????"

person b on the other hand, as much as everyone sees him that he only thinks of person a as a friend, hAS BEEN PINING ON THE ASSHOLE FOR A LONG FUCKING TIME. i mean, why tf would he fucc person a if he hasnt loved the dude for a long time.

so other than steamy moments, theres also wholesome fluff moments. and oh, as it progresses, person a becomes a bit more mellow than his previous state n is more obedient to person b so- yeah.


ok thas all baaii

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