Oh Look Another Me- Wait What (AU Drabble)

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i rlly have no self restraint
swap au idea by The_Blue_Hearted 
go checkem out, they gud uwu //

Ah, fuck. Alessi instantly cursed once he found himself lost in the city. They were supposed to buy some groceries for those co-workers in the mansion. They? He was assigned with the only guy who can tolerate him - N'Doul. This was going to be an easy task, he thought at first since he's never been to a market on a busy day. Well, he was immensely wrong.

He wandered around the streets, completely lost. He weaved through the bustling crowd and all, almost getting pushed around because God decided to take away his height. " N'Doul? N'Doul!? " He called out. His voice mixed with the noisy crowd. This wasn't a very good environment for a certain blind man that largely relied on sounds. Out of all days we get to go out and this was today? Talk about luck.

" Lessi!? " That voice! No one knew how his hair perked up evem the slightest as he reacted to the voice. It's him! " I'm over here! " He shouted back and started to push through the crowd. And if I mean push, I mean literally push them away. They called each other every now and then to locate each other's voice. Once they finally reached each other, they bumped onto someone unfamiliar... while looking like someone they knew.

They stared at each other in silence.
" Who are you? "


N'Doul clicked his tongue and furrowed his brows. Damnit! I can't find him jn this stupid crowd. Too much noise, too many footsteps. He gripped onto his cane. While Alessi had beem lost in the midst of the streets and crowd, N'Doul had wounded up by an alleyway after separating with his companion. He had tried looking for him with Geb but to no avail at all.

Then footsteps began coming by. He was immediately on guard. But the way they walked was... Alessi? No, it couldn't be. He knew something was different. Those footsteps may have a similar stride to his partner, but the stranger was on light feet and they seemed rather taller. As he wad about to open his mouth to speak, the other spoke, " Who goes there!? "

That's Alessi's voice! But... it's not him, is it? N'Doul stood up from the ground, a loud clack! of his cane sent down to alert his presence. " Alessi, is that you? " " Neith? " 'Alessi' answered back. N'Doul furrowed his brows in confusion, " Neith? " Silence. And a smirk grew on their faces when they feel sharp nails poking gingerly by their throat, " I see, you're a fellow stand user too... But you're no match for my Geb!- " They stopped.

" ...your stand is named Geb? " 'Alessi' asked and N'Doul nodded, " Yes. I suppose yours is too... " " Correct. "

" You're not my Alessi. "
" You're not my Neith. "


N'Doul learned about this 'Alessi' of this new of a companion he made. They're Alessi, but they're not the Alessi he knows. The man goes by the name of Lessi. He, too, possesses a water stand in the name of Geb, and they're blind like him. They had both theorized that the other belongs in an alternate dimension, but for now, they were on a search for their companions.

But they couldn't help enjoy each other's company while occasionally forgetting the search, making idle chatter that made them comfortable around each other. " You know what I'd found funny? " N'Doul hummed at Lessi's question, " What are the odds of our companions meeting? " He chuckled, " A slim chance perhaps, you'll never know- " " GET BACK HERE, YOU SHITTY BASTARD! "

Both men stopped on their tracks. " That's Alessi. " " Your Alessi? " " My Alessi. " They let out a sigh. But then, followed by that yell was, " CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, JINGLES! " " Oh Gods, that's Neith! " Lessi and N'Doul followed down where they located the shouting and the chase. Neither of the men ahead of them took notice of their presence.

" GEB! " The two shouted in unison. Some body of water formed beneath them, one a clear shade of blue, the other a very light shade of scarlet. It zoomed down the road the men ahead them took. They were so lost in the chase with the other that they almost screamed like a baby when they wefe lifted off the ground. The more responsible men shook their heads and tsk-ed.

" Tsk. Tsk. Tsk, " Neith and Alessi perked up. " I leave you for a few minutes and now you're on a goose chase with my doppleganger? " Lessi spat coldly but Neith lit up in response, " Lessi!~ " N'Doul turned his head where Alessi should be, who quietly yelped. He said nothing however, letting go of Neith whom his Geb held. Lessi let go of his doppleganger.

" Before any of you can say anything else, " N'Douly suddenlu spoke up. " Let's discuss this somewhere private. "


" So, you're telling me, someone beyond our world decided to fuck up with our dimensions? " Alessi bluntly repeated, chewing on a slice of cake. Lessi nodded, " At least, that's what we think so. Our worlds may or may have not done so paradox before but this surely isn't knew. " " A'ight, fuck this universe shit for a while but can I saw my doppleganger is hot? " Silence. " Alright. "

N'Doul turned to Neith, simultaneously impressed and not. He kept a blank face, " Thank you, but I believe you're onto trying to compliment yourself and not as me, so please quiet down or I'll have a leg of yours broke. " " Oh-hoh-hoh~ Feisty, are we~? " Neith's lips curved up into a grin as a frown forms on N'Doul's. " Enough, " Lessi's voice silenced them all, sighing.

" We need to figure out a way to fix this, " He continued, glancing over them. N'Doul breathed out a long exhale and nodded, " I agree. " " So, what are we gonna do with this doppleganger shit? " Alessi spoke up after he was left in confused silence. He saw Neith smirk again, by God he hated the fact he looked like N'Doul because he swore his heart skipped a beat.

" I got an idea~ "


It was a horrible idea, Lessi and N'Doul agreed on that, but they couldn't help but enjoy the utter confusion on their co-workers' faces as them and the different thems decided to waltz around the mansion. N'Doul and Alessi had their counterparts wear the same clothes as them, and now they're just enjoying the ruckus mostly Alessi and Neith had made.

okay but like? SMOL'DOUL? IM D E C E A S E D //

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okay but like? SMOL'DOUL? IM D E C E A S E D //

another crackship child is on its way toot toot//

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