headcanons for various characters

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1. Koko once had feelings for Rewmi. It was around when he was 14. His feelings stopped once anxiety decided to fuck him up one day and he began to think ' He deserves someone else better. ' To this day, he still has a tiny bit of crushing, but he's completely accepted they'll stay as friends.

2. N'Doul loves screwing with others during the night. Scratch that, he loves screwing others for shits and giggles. Everyone knows he's blind and usually keeps his eyes closed, so during the night, whenever you see N'Doul, you'll either think he's awake or asleep, most likely the latter during later nights. Then N'Doul suddenly speaks up and scares the shit outta them.
--Steely Dan, coming across N'Doul in the library at night: Huh, he must've fallen asleep.
---N'Doul, without missing a beat: What do you mean?
--Steely Dan: *s c r e a m s*

3. Alessi owns N'Doul's cane in post-SDC. Some traveling merchant found the cane in the desert and decided to sell it somewhere. Alessi, almost full recovered, comes across the merchant and instantly recognizes the cane. Y'all think he'd buy it, but no, he just stole it from the guy.

4. Daniel and Terence are still awkward as fuck in post-SDC towards each other. They did take care of each other when... well, they were in horrible conditions. Daniel had to be recovered mentally after that fight with Jotaro, Terence was hospitalized for almost dying from the ORA barrage. 
--They also don't do much gambling/gaming anymore, it gives them memories and they hate it. They only do it when stressed/bored, something to take their minds off but it's merely only shuffling cards/pressing console buttons.

5. I feel like Dorotea gets unknowingly touchy with others, in a non-sexual way. Her range of physical contact is brushing shoulders/tapping or poking/pinkies touching to full-on body hug. I just took inspiration from Tiziano being all close and touchy with Squalo, don't @ me please.

6. Arlo may be a cowboy but he's lowkey scared of riding a horse. Probably because he's mostly seen them as wild, free beasts who can take down humans - he's probably watched Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. He's also lowkey kinda against the use of horses as transportation as he just wants them to be free like they should be.

7. Ontario has his music list filled with music similar to Todrick Hall's songs, but on the other hand he secretly listens to classical music to either: 1) calm himself or restrain from doing any chaotic shit; or 2) feel like a fucking queen.
---Bet he knows how almost every piece goes. And he conducts with his hands subconsciously.

8. Michelle speaks Korean fluently. Thank Girl's Generation for that. He didn't even actually study the language, he just listened to songs and lyrics a bit too much he accidentally pieced together how their languages work and boom- Korean language a skill he obtained on accident.

9. Ren has watched all Barbie movies and you can't change my mind. His favourites are torn between 'The Princess and The Popstar' and 'The Princess and The Pauper'. For no absolute reason at all, he's memorized the lines and actions from almost every movie and recites them when bored like how ProZD knows Peter Pan a bit too well.

10. Irene purrs. That's it. She can purr. Oh, and she likes strawberry milk.

11. Rosanio secretly likes that one scene in Shrek the Third(?) where the princesses infiltrate the castle like the fucking queens they are. He also enjoys the Pied Piper skit with the ogres in Shrek: Forever After.

12. Marino may know how to cook and is Asian, but he still and always fuck up in using chopsticks every single damn time.
--Hiroaki: Hey, Marimormor, can you- Holy heck, what happened your eye?
---Marino, with a bleeding eye: Chopsticks.

13. Everyone knows Terence's dolls are made by his own hands. Devo always had his doll get damaged and such so he goes to Terence to repair it. Once Terence tried to offer him a new doll, Devo got so mad to the point he wasn't even physically hurt for his stand to activate.
--Alessi and Steely Dan messed with Devo that they changed his usual doll with another one that looked cute without his notice.
---It did not end well for them.

14. Josette has like various nervous habits, but it's too subtle/hidden that no one knows. 
--she rubs her thumb and middle finger slightly.
--her jaw clenches a little bit tighter.
--glancing at nothing momentarily.
--toes curling up.

15. Led is slightly interested in acting and/or musicals. He just thinks it's hilarious(lowkey interesting) that people reenact their history because Pillar Men don't do that. Pillar Men only told stories but never acted them. He also thinks musicals are a lot more interesting because s o n g s. Like, the amount of creativity you use for original songs to tell the past in such an endearing way in acting.

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