Trigger Warning (read with caution)

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It's hard to breathe. I can't breathe. I can't. I can't. I can't.


A ringing noise pierced their hearing, the raspy growl in the other's voice fading to white noise. They couldn't swallow, his Stand's strings- no, it was just his hand. What monstrous power, they had thought, choking. Their nose and throat flared in pain, their eyes started to hurt with tears starting to fall with their blood.

It was blurry, but they could see Jouta saying something. What were they saying? Saraquel? Gabriele? They couldn't think, their mind was starting to become numb. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. The fingers around his throat crushed their throat. "WHERE ARE THEY!?!?" Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. "ANSWER ME!!!"

Desperately, their shaking, bruised hands tried to claw off Jouta's grip. The man didn't show not a single ounce of pain while their chipped nails cut his pale red skin. Let me live. They wanted to say that. They want to keep living. To be taken away like this- this is not the way of life, is it?

They saw the raging flames of fury in those poison eyes. The vile intentions flaring through every vein in his body- from his heart to the hand crushing their very throat and soul. Bile was boiling in their stomach, they wanted to puke, they wanted to cry, they wanted to be free.

But alas, such efforts are futile. What can you do when you're shaking and cold? When you're at death's door, crying and begging? There's no way out. Though, they weren't blessed with a Stand... and are they never gonna use it? Perhaps... but, if it gives a chance to live...

Koko grabbed Jouta's arm and smiled weakly in tears.


An unknown force pushed everything away - Jouta's body flew back in an instant and hit the cement wall, hacking out spit and blood as they fell weak to their knees on the cracking ground. His eyes opened in shock and fear from the whirling sight across where he tried to stand his ground.


IT HURTS. IT HURTS. IT HURTS. IT HURTS. Koko let out a deathly screech while his skin burned. Their skin tore apart and grew anew over and over, their head felt like it was about to get torn off, every bit of their hair pulled as if it was getting ripped off in a single pull. They cried and cried and cried and cried. They tried to scream but nothing came out.

Eyes were beginning to grow red as more and more eyes grew on their burning face. Blood streamed and stained their darkened skin and only a muffled cry was to be heard when they could feel their lower body getting torn apart.

Jouta got back up on his feet as they called Charmy Green out, clenching both of their fists and ready and angry to take whatever was going to happen. Until they weren't.

They only managed to catch a glimpse of long bright fuchsia hair before they saw 6 bloodied eyes staring directly at him. The moment he saw those, something clenched his heart and his eyes went black. Charmy Green dissipated as Jouta collapsed on the ground... crying.

The mysterious figure that had randomly appeared stepped closer and closer to his shaking, helpless body. He stared down at the pathetic state of this monster, his angered pink eyes glaring at the boy as he stepped his pink heels on him. He spat on him and growled as he winded up his leg, sending a hell of a kick to his stomach.

He watched him fly to the other side, numb and limp, unmoving. He huffed as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his head side-to-side. "That's what you get for trying to end Koko. Though," his heels clacked on the ground with every step as he got closer and closer.

Jouta could barely hear it through the screams and cries of his family and friends in his head. He hated to admit this - but he knows he's fucked. The man grabbed his throat and lifted him up singlehandedly. "You need more than just a kick in the stomach. You fucking monster."

He felt bruises and snaps of his body, pain everywhere while he was getting beat up. He had to fight back. He just... can't. His thoughts were being messed with, his deepest, darkest fears blooming wonderfully like Aconitum. Blow after blow, he could feel everything was getting heavy and null... "I'm sorry..."

He stopped once he heard his apology through his sobs and labored breaths. "Huh?" His grip tightened and his lips cracked into a disbelieving smile. "You're sorry? YOU'RE SORRY?!" He let out a loud, maniacal laugh that went on for seconds, til he suddenly snapped back to his anger, but his smile remained wide.


His fist smashed through his face and the wall behind his head cracked. He breathed heavily as he let go of his body and it fell down like an abandoned doll. With a long exhale, he dusted his bloody hands off his skirt, scoffing as he began to walk away. Fucking pathetic.

The taste of iron met his tongue by then, and red dripped down from his frowning lips.

He growled as he wiped it away, turning to look at Slumberland's eternal crying face. "It's been 3 minutes." The stand lowered themselves down to hug him, and he sighed, "We have to go back, Koko." The hug tightened while red tainted his shoulders. They stayed quiet. "Do you wish to go..?" He asked. There was no reaction for a while, his face blank.

But his expressions scrunched up after, closing his eyes as he breathed out heavily. "Fine." Then nothing more was said after that. He went close to the walls and leaned back, sliding down to sit down. Tears stung his warm skin as it fell. "We're both tired, aren't we?" He laughed weakly as drops of blood fell from his smile.

They heard footsteps coming and he immediately stood up, his legs wobbling as he did but he kept his ground. Then came to the scene was a familiar split-haired woman and a curly haired velvet-head. The stand immediately turned away before they could meet eyes.

But before he could say anything, the lady yelled, "WHO ARE YOU!?" They were getting closer and he couldn't help but smile. "Samhain... Rewmi... it's good to see you." The two froze and he laughed a bit, "The name's Elijah... I'm Neon Messiah." He held out his hand and looked back to his stand, "And this... it's Koko."

The two stood in shock. Samhain shook her head and let out a nervous laugh slip out, "T-there's no way..." Elijah just smiled and she paled further. She stepped back, but Rewmi got closer. His faded scarlet eyes looked at him in disbelief. Elijah reached to cup his cheek and more tears began to fall as he breath and chest shook. "Th-they say... sorry..."

He mustered up the courage to smile for them, "... and goodbye."

The world felt like it stopped as the strange stand looked back at them whilst its body was becoming dust. Elijah's body fell down their knees and to the ground they laid unconscious.

It's quiet.

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