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"Jaehyun, look!" the girl screamed while laughing, pointing at something in the distance. "This is a great view, take a picture of me!"

Jaehyun sighed while wearing a small smile. "Okay, stop moving then."

She stayed still, showing a peace sign as she posed in front of the scenery that would stun anyone.

The whole city was visible from there; you could see the high buildings which reflected the light of the sun into Jaehyun's eyes. The sky was clear and blue, it was warm and just perfect for a walk.

He placed the camera against his face to see through the viewfinder and to see her better.

The weak wind was blowing through her short platinum hair and she was squinting slightly, using her second hand to shield herself from the sun.

Her dark skin was glowing, she had white fake freckles covering her nose and cheeks, but the contrast worked beautifully.

She was gorgeous and it made Jaehyun's heart jump once she smiled.

He pressed a button and the camera clicked. He took a few more pictures, using different angles and also asking her to change the pose a few times.

"Come look," he said and showed her all the photos. "You could be a model, Bee."

(Note: Bee is a nickname Jaehyun has for her)

"I'm perfectly fine with being only a photographer," she chuckled as a small blush crept up on her cheeks. "But, thanks...You look like a model yourself. Your face is very photogenic and you're tall. I think you're fit to be one."

"Never in a million years. Let's go now, we still have a class."

"No, please!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hand to stop him as he started walking away. "Let's skip. It's not like Mr. Suh will care! He won't even notice we're gone."

"Why do you always want to skip his class? Are you trying to avoid him, because you have a crush on him or something?" Jaehyun joked.

Bee pouted and slowly let go of his hand, looking back at the view. "No, I just find it boring."

Jaehyun felt bad. He walked in front of her to shield the view and waited until she looked up at him. "Come on, his classes are always fun. Also, the final exams are soon. He might be presenting the topic for the last project. We need to be there!"

She rolled her eyes, but broke out into a smile. "Just because you're gonna be there too."

Jaehyun smiled triumphantly. He grabbed Bee's shoulders and turned her around the university's direction.

They were just few feet away from the entrance to the property; they just had to walk across a parking lot full of cars of the students and teachers.

"What do you think will be the topic of the final work?" Bee asked as they walked, hands and shoulders brushing against each other.

"Hm," Jaehyun thought for a bit. "Mr. Suh is very creative with his topics... Do you remember last year? We had to photograph nature in motion, capture its movement."

The girl nodded. "Motion is hard to photograph... Also making it look good...? No wonder I got only 70%."

"Well, I'm hoping we get to photograph people for this work... I'm the best at that."

They walked through the gate, following the path that led into the main building of the university. There were flowers growing on each sides of the path, raging from tulips to daffodils.

Jaehyun was clutching onto his camera for dear life. It was his most prized possession, not just because of how much it cost. He loved photography, capturing everything beautiful into a still picture. It was his most favorite thing, his passion. It's all he wanted to do in life.

That's why he felt so happy going into Mr. Suh's class. The room was quite small, square shaped, with tables placed all around the room, except for one side, where the professor normally sat.

They were lucky. The professor's table was empty. He was running late.

Bee ran to her seat near the window, giving a fist-bump to one of their friends who was also in the class. Well, they were all friends there.

The class consisted of around 15 people; they all pretty much knew each other.

Jaehyun sat on his assigned chair next to Bee and placed his camera on the desk in front of him. He also took out his portfolio from the space under the desk where he kept it.

Flipping the pages, it was like going through a memory lane. You could see the progress of his work with each page. It wasn't just random photos of nature and plain portraits. He learned to work with the lightning and editing, making all his photos look so much better.

Bee was looking through her work as well. The difference was almost comical. Whilst Jaehyun's photos were mostly gloomy with earthy colours, Bee's work was like a rainbow threw up on it.

For her photos with people, she had them dressed in colorful clothes, crazy makeup and accessories.

"I'm sorry I am late, kids!"

Mr. Suh walked into the class with a heavy step, in one hand holding his bag that had some papers almost falling out of it and a camera in the other.

"I had some business to take care of, so let's jump in right away," he spoke fast while taking stuff out of his bag.

"Will you tell us about our final work?" a girl in the back with pink hair asked. Her voice was very adorable, fitting her pastel image.

"Yes, Sana, I was about to," Mr. Suh smiled warmly. "This is your last year on this school. Firstly, I wanna say how proud I am of you. It was a delight to teach such talented future photographers."

"Aw Mr. Suh, don't start crying, or I will start too," Bee spoke up, making the professor chuckle.

"Don't worry, Seulhyun, I'll cry alone later," he joked. "Well, now about your final project... I was thinking hard about what we should do. I didn't want to have you do something boring for your last work. What I came up with is 'Making someone fall in love with their insecurity'."

Jaehyun raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"I'll give you an example." Mr. Suh took off his specs and looked straight at Jaehyun. "I'm insecure about my eyes. They're a little uneven and people in high school made fun of me for them. What you would do is maybe put some makeup on me that would make my eyes stand out and then take a picture - turn it into art. I'd look at the photo later and maybe think to myself 'Oh, my uneven eyes are actually so pretty!', do we understand now?"

Jaehyun nodded, though he wasn't very sure. How does highlighting an insecurity supposed to make you feel better about it?

The professor continued on teaching and Jaehyun stayed deep in thought. He'll have to find a model.


A/N: seulhyun/bee is my OC haha. She is mixed Asian and black, just so you know 😁

- Sani

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