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Jaehyun had his hands folded and he walked back and forth. His phone was placed on the cafeteria table and he stared at it the whole time.

"Can you stop pacing around like an idiot?" Bee, who was sitting at the table, exclaimed. "You're making me more nervous than I already am!"

"Why are you nervous?!" Jaehyun screamed back, eyes doubling in size. "I'm the one waiting for my ex to call me!"

"I'm nervous for you, okay," Bee whined. She laid on the table with her hands under her cheek and it squished her whole face.

Jaehyun collapsed on the chair and buried his face in the palms of his hands, rubbing it harshly. He was tired since he couldn't sleep properly and the nerves were making his stomach twist and turn.

The cafeteria of their college was really loud at this late morning hour, there were people studying together and what seemed like doing projects together.

Bee started to look around. "Everyone's working so hard," she commented. "Makes me feel like shit for procrastinating."

"Have you thought of who to pick as a model?" Jaehyun asked her, also because he tried to take his mind off Taeyong for a while.

"Probably my sister. She doesn't like her skin colour, so I'll try to help her. I hope. Oh god, this project is stupid, couldn't we photograph butterflies or something!?"

Jaehyun laughed at Bee's outburst. "Don't worry, you're gonna do great. I just hope Taeyong says yes-"

His sentence got cut off by the phone placed in front of him. It rang and buzzed, showing Taeyong's phone number Jaehyun saved yesterday.

His heart skipped a beat and he made eye contact with Bee who pushed the phone closer to him with a devilish smile.

"I can't do it," he whispered as though Taeyong could already hear him. "I'm too nervous."

"Do it," the girl whispered back while wiggling her eyebrows seductively.

Jaehyun made a disgusted face, feeling like his heart was about to burst out of his chest at any second. Taking a deep sharp breath, he finally answered the call while swearing inside of his mind.

"Hey," he started while looking at Bee for reassurance. She was showing thumbs up and smiling, though she looked like she wanted to burst out laughing instead.

"Hey Jaehyun, I-uhm," Taeyong spoke very hesitantly and his voice sounded deeper than usual. He's either just woken up or had a sore throat.

"Did you think about it?" Jaehyun asked to encourage Taeyong to speak. "What's your answer?"

"I'll do it even though I have a hard time trusting you...I'm hoping you'll keep your promise and talk to the teacher of yours," he said at the end. "Also, this will be the last time I'm modeling for you."

Jaehyun's mouth went dry and hung open in silent voice. At first he didn't know if he heard correctly. His face sunk down and a weird heavy feeling fell on his heart.

"So, when do you want to meet?" Taeyong continued after not getting any reply from the other side. "I took two days off from work, so just say when you're free."

"Well," Jaehyun finally found a sound in his throat. "Tomorrow at 4pm sounds okay?"

"Sounds great... Text me the address. See you."

Before Jaehyun could even say anything back, Taeyong ended the call. The boy was left stunned, the phone still lingering pressed against his ear.

"What?" Bee mouthed, probably thinking they're still calling.

"He agreed," Jaehyun said and finally put the phone down. "I didn't think he would, but he really did."

"Wow you look happier than I thought you would. Haven't you broken up like years ago? You probably haven't seen each other the same amount. Why are you still so invested in him?"

"I honestly thought I wasn't, anymore. I was just frustrated whenever I thought about it, because I thought it ended because of a very stupid reason," the boy said with a sigh. "Yesterday, I was so strongly hit by how much I've missed him... But, I don't want him back. I don't want to force a relationship when I don't even know whether I want it or not... I want him to forgive me, I want to forgive him and I want to...photograph him after so long."

"Wow," Bee gasped in awe. "Since when did you become a whole Shakespeare? I've known you for two years and I keep finding out new things about you. Who knows? Maybe you've secretly been my mom this entire time?"

Jaehyun glared at her and playfully hit her shoulder. "You're walking on thin fucking ice, miss."

She giggled and then yelped out of nowhere. "We're late for class!"

Jaehyun's eyed widened and he looked around to realize most people from the cafeteria had already left and they didn't realize how long they've been there.

"Fuck! We have to go!"


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