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Seulhyun was walking from work, a boring office job she got two weeks ago. Absolutely exhausted, her steps were slow-paced and lazy. She was suppressing yawns that kept trying to escape her mouth and her body seemed heavier each second.

Though it wasn't that late, it was dark outside already and it was getting cold. The moon was completely covered by clouds and some of the street lamps were flickering, as she was passing a parking area to get to her house she shared with her sister.

All she wanted was the day to end. She graduated not long ago and all the excitement and happiness she had from that achievement left as quickly as it came. Now, she was a regular adult that had to slave away to get a joke of a salary that hardly covered her bills.

And to add to her misery, she felt lonely. Though she had people who loved her around at all times, there was an empty spot inside her that didn't seem to get filled no matter what she did.

She could already see her house and feel a small relief. But, what she also noticed was a big black car parked in front of it. It wasn't hers nor her sister's and she didn't really remember someone telling her they'll visit.

Seulhyun's heart jumped and she was already thinking of the worst. Cautiously, while trying to hear any suspicious noise, she started approaching her house.

And that's when she noticed. Their front door was slightly opened and it was moving because of the draft. No lights were turned on and it was quiet as a cemetery. Did her sister just forget to close the door before leaving the house?

She reached for the door handle while her hand trembled immensely and pushed the door open. The house which normally made her feel at home and comfortable was now giving her creeps. It was like the darkness that was inside was waiting to swallow her whole and she could feel her legs turn into jelly as she stared into the hallway.

At that second, when she was about to make a first step inside, she started to hear a faint cry. It was like muffled sobbing, as though someone cried with their mouth stuffed.

It might have been coming out from upstairs or from the other side of the ground floor, Seulhyun wasn't sure. She was fighting the urge to scream her sister's name, but was too scared.

She's never felt like this before. The absolute terror that was running through her body was almost making her unable to move. She was cursing herself in her mind for not calling the police first, but she was too deep into the house now, passing all the family pictures hung on the wall.

The cries became louder and it made all the hair on her body stand up as goosebumps appeared on her skin. She could now recognize her sister's voice and someone else's.

"You thought I won't find you? You thought I'd leave you alone after what you've done to me, Jihyun?"

The voice Seulhyun heard was deep and scary. She couldn't pin-point it to any face or a person. There were noises like shuffling and the girl completely froze in fear.

"I have nothing else to tell you!" her sister screamed through tears and sobs. "We broke up! We're done! So, leave me alone!"

"You cheated on me, you fucking bitch!"

"I didn't! You're making stuff up, you're completely delusional! That's why I broke up with you, jackass!"

After Jihyun almost screeched her last sentence, there was a loud noise that could only be explained as a crack of a bone and then there was a scream of pain following behind it.

That's when Seulhyun suddenly got all her movement back. She bursted into the room she realized the voices were coming from. It was her sister's bedroom. When she jumped inside, the first thing she saw was Jihyun on the floor holding her hand as tears kept flowing out of her eyes. Her curly hair was messily scattered all over her face.

What she saw next was an average looking man with balled fists staring at Seulhyun in both panic and anger. His jaw was clenched and his whole face was red. The look in his eyes was chilling. He looked almost like an animal more than a human.

"L-Leave her alone!" Seulhyun managed to exclaim and jump in front of her little sister, shielding her basically with her whole body.

"S-Seulhyun," Jihyun whispered, the fear and pain in her voice prominent. She was relieved as well as scared, now for both of them.

"I'm here, don't worry," Seulhyun muttered back quickly before looking back at the man.

She could feel her own heartbeat in her throat as she faced the terrifying person who looked like he would kill if needed. But, she didn't even think about fleeing now. She was here to protect her sister and she would keep protecting her no matter what.

"Get out of here, girlie, this matter is none of your business," the man spoke with surprisingly calm tone while looking like a bomb that was about to explode.

"I'm her sister," Seulhyun replied, not moving from her position. "It is my business. I'm telling you to leave our house. I-I already called the police and they'll be here soon, so if I were you, I'd be on my way."

The man chuckled. "All I want is for that bitch to pay for what she's done to me. If you aren't leaving then at least stay out of the fucking way. Or, I'll make you pay as well."

"If you think I'm moving an inch, you're wrong." Though the girl's voice wavered, she still managed to keep her composure. The man's expression changed drastically – it was like someone flipped a switch and the face he made while chuckling turned back into a murderous gaze.

Seulhyun didn't even manage to react when he swung at her and his fist made a contact with her face. The punch was so strong, it made her whole head snap to the side and she let out a loud gasp at the burning pain which followed right after. Tears rushed into her eyes and fell out of them almost immediately.

"I'm not going to hold back then, pretty girl," he sneered.

Jihyun was holding Seulhyun's shoulder tightly, not knowing what to do. Her hand was messed up, it was already building a bruise as she saw one of the bones must have been broken and was sticking out where it shouldn't have.

The two girls felt hopeless with the monster-like man in the room. Though Seulhyun tried to recover quickly from the blow she received, when she looked up at the guy again, she realized he was already preparing for another punch.

He was about to swing his hand when suddenly, something entirely else hit him from behind and after, shattering of the glass was heard.


I decided to upload this every day 🥰 I'm sorry that it took such a dark turn 🤭

- Sani

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