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"Thank you for shopping at our store, have a nice day!" Taeyong spoke enthusiastically as he finished serving a customer. With a long sigh, he looked at the wall behind him which had a digital clock attached to it, seeing his shift would end in a while.

The energy he's lost during the day suddenly all came back and he couldn't wait to finally leave this place. His legs became all giddy and it was hard for him to stand at one place.

For the few remaining minutes, he decided to walk around the store, read some random ingredients lists and make weird faces into the security cameras. He was having fun, giggling all for himself, when at that moment, he heard the moving door open and some quick footsteps come inside.

Taeyong rolled his eyes. He hated when a customer came in right before the end of his shift. But he had to, though reluctantly, go back to his place behind the counter.

As he walked into an isle with candy and chocolates in it, he bumped into a man - the customer who probably just came. Taeyong wasn't looking up at first, so it was a surprise for him to have collided with another body.

"Oh, sorr-it's you!" the man exclaimed suddenly, startling Taeyong and finally making him look up.

"Oh my god," the other gasped, slowly matching the face with his memories that were way too blurry. "Doyoung, right? The bartender?"

"I didn't know you work here! I've been here several times and never saw you!" Doyoung spoke excitedly and also sounding completely astounded at the coincidence.

"You probably only saw my boss, he works when I don't," Taeyong answered, as calmly as he could, trying to hush down the butterflies fighting in his stomach at the sight of the other.

Doyoung was dressed so elegantly, as though he was going to an important conference or a fancy dinner. The slightly oversized jacket was somehow nicely complementing his figure since it was cropped kind of high and together with the smile he was showing Taeyong, he looked very charming, almost like a prince.

Doyoung seemed to have noticed the effect he had on Taeyong at the moment. A smirk found its way on his face and he made a few steps closer to Taeyong.

"When does your shift end?" he asked, taking out his phone to look at the time.

"It probably ended already," Taeyong replied, almost stuttering. "You should grab what you want, so I can still scan it for you."

"After seeing you here, I forgot all about what I wanted to buy," Doyoung spoke as he pretended to think about something, rubbing his chin. "Oh well, since I ran into you and your shift's ended... Shall we go somewhere together?"

Taeyong almost choked on his spit, somehow playing it only as being shocked. "Uhm, go somewhere...as a date?"

"Yeah, why not call it a date?" Doyoung laughed at the other boy's silliness. "It can be my treat."

"No!" Taeyong exclaimed. "It was your treat last time so...today, it's my treat, okay?"

"Okay, if you insist. You should hurry up and close the shop then, so we can go?"

Taeyong nodded vigorously, before quickly running to the back to change his clothes. His hands were shaking in excitement as he pulled a sweater over his head and tried to fix his hair by running a hand through it. His heart was trying to race the clock, beating faster than the big hand showing seconds could move.

He came back to the main room, seeing Doyoung was waiting for him in front of the building, so he did some quick last check-ups and then closed down the store once he was outside.

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