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"You're absolutely getting drunk today, I'll make sure you do," Donghyuck giggled while putting an arm over Taeyong's shoulder. "You keep thinking about useless things, you need to loosen up a bit! It's Friday, you should have fun!"

"He's right," Mark peeped from behind them, finally catching up after he had to find a place for parking. "Jaehyun has been on your mind for too long, I think. We should find you someone today, to make-out or hook-up with, huh?"

Taeyong laughed nervously, now having the two squishing him from both sides as they walked towards the hideous looking club right in the center of the street which was filled with buildings of similar caliber. There were laughing and partying teens and young adults all around them, already making the boy anxious yet excited at the same time.

"I don't think I'll be hooking up with anyone...Or getting too drunk. I have stuff to do tomorrow," Taeyong had to almost exclaim his sentences to actually be heard, since the music coming out of the club was getting louder as they walked closer.

There was a bit of a line outside with people waiting to get in, but it was moving quite fast since there were a lot of people who seemed under some kind of influence already leaving the building.

They waited less than few seconds, until they came to the guard who was standing at the door and showed him their identification to let him know they were of legal age.

Inside, it was dim, with the only light sources being the colourful reflectors at the dance floor and the few lights around the bar where some skilled looking men were making drinks to everyone standing around.

"Should we get some drinks first?" Donghyuck suggested, already looking around. "We also need to find a free table."

"I'll get the drinks, you two find a table," Taeyong said and started to make his way towards the bar. He glanced back at his friends, seeing they already walked off to the zone with high, square-shaped tables and then continued walking through some tipsy and dancing people who, for sure, weren't paying attention to what they were doing with their limbs.

After finally reaching the bar, he sat at the only empty chair which was there and waited until one of the bartenders noticed him and walked over.

"What would you like, handsome?" he asked with a wink.

"I want three glasses of..." Taeyong looked at the wall full of liquor, not really knowing what was served at a bar like this. "...of whatever you think is the best."

"You got it in few minutes," the bartender smirked as he said that, then turned away and started to work on the drinks.

They were done very quickly. The bartender gave Taeyong a small tray with the drinks on it. They were reddish colour, in high glasses and with lots of ice.

"It's kind of sweet, but it still has a lot of alcohol and you'll get in the mood very quickly, it's perfect for a night like this," the man said and Taeyong couldn't help, but smile. The bartender was very charming, with a wide smile that showed perfect white teeth. Taeyong started to get interested, when he didn't seem like he wanted to leave, even though the drinks were already done.

"I am Doyoung," the bartender suddenly became shy, picking on his bottom lip. "You are?"


"Taeyong... So, you're here with your friends?" the bartender asked. "Or with a girlfriend too?"

Taeyong felt his heart stop for a second. Doyoung was checking him out, he realized. The way he was panning him up and down was making his cheeks hot and he liked it.

"Just my friends," he replied, putting a small smirk on his face. "You wouldn't find someone like me looking for a girlfriend, anyway."

"Oh," Doyoung chuckled. "What about a boyfriend?"

Taeyong tapped on one of the glasses. He was getting hot all over his body, before he could even get a sniff of the alcohol. Something about this bartender made him feel strange.

"That's more like it," he said and then started to search for his wallet. "I should go back to my friends, they must be waiting for me... I'm going to pay for the drinks now, how much is it?"

"Forget it, it's my treat," Doyoung waved his hand and pushed away the credit card Taeyong was giving him. "Only for today, though, so enjoy it."

"But why? We don't know each other."

"For being so cute," Doyoung winked again and then took out a piece of paper from somewhere behind the counter, scribbling something on it that Taeyong couldn't see. "Call me if you feel like it."

Taeyong could feel the blush spreading all the way from his cheeks to his ears when be received the piece of paper and saw a phone number on it. For a few seconds after, he just stared at Doyoung as he left to make drinks for the other customers. He wanted to talk more, he felt like this man would be fun to hang out with.

Shaking his head, he finally turned around and started walking back to meet his friends again, putting the number in his pocket. They stood at the nearest table to the dance floor. They were all over each other, kissing and hugging.

"Ehm," Taeyong coughed while putting the drinks on the table, getting their attention. "Don't make me a third wheel, please."

"Oh sorry," Mark giggled and looked like he had a hard time letting go of Donghyuck who still kept his hand wrapped around him.

"What took you so long? Did you find someone to talk to?" Donghyuck asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I think so, yeah," Taeyong said, grabbing his drink that had almost all the ice already melted. "The bartender was cute and he paid for our drinks."

"Ooooh," the other two screamed.

"I know now who's going to get us a refill!" Mark exclaimed and started drinking, downing the whole glass in one sip.

"Please don't get too drunk, Mark, you know how you get," Donghyuck pleaded, "I know it's Saturday tomorrow, but I don't wanna deal with your hangover ass."

"Oh shhh," Mark put a finger over his boyfriend's mouth to quiet him down. "You're the one driving back home, so I can drink what I want."

Taeyong laughed and also did the same - drinking the whole glass like it was nothing. He already felt the kick of alcohol into his brain and he knew he wanted more.

Donghyuck suddenly pointed somewhere to the distance and exclaimed: "Hey! Is that Jaehyun?"


Fun fact, I actually set a goal for this story that I'm going to mention all 23 members lol

- Sani

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