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"How nervous are you on a scale of 1 to 10?" Donghyuck asked in amusement, watching his friend's leg bounce against the table and his fingers tap the cup full of completely untouched coffee.

"Is hundred thousand an option?" Taeyong asked sarcastically. “Why are you even standing around here, aren't you supposed to serve some customers?”

Donghyuck hummed, jerking his head to the left where YangYang swiftly ran around the tables, almost making it seem like he was floating. “He's got it, don't worry. I want to be a supportive friend for you.”

“You're more of a nuisance than support, Hyuck,” Taeyong commented, finally taking a sip of his beverage, making a grimace after realizing it's already gotten cold.

“I am taking that personally,” the waiter said and sat next to Taeyong, pulling his arm around his shoulders. “I am very confused with what you feel towards Jaehyun. You keep calling you two good friends whenever I ask about your relationship, but then you get all anxious when you're just supposed to hang out. Something doesn't add up here, don't you think?”

Taeyong gave his friend a judging face. “You're over-analyzing, Sherlock.”

“You should be honest with your feelings. Jaehyun already showed you his...he kissed you, remember? And you told me you kissed back! It's like you are the jack in the box,” Donghyuck talked loudly, seeming like a preacher doing a speech. “You keep winding up, but nothing is jumping out of the box. It's the time you started to acknowledge what you feel.”

The door to Neo city opened as if on cue, when Donghyuck finished talking and Taeyong stared at him in silence, not really knowing how to respond. It was Jaehyun who came inside, brushing through his hair that got messed up by wind and holding a huge bouquet in the other hand.

“My favourite photographer!” Donghyuck exclaimed and ran to give Jaehyun a quick hug, winking at him after they pulled away, whispering: “The bouquet is nice.”

“Thanks,” Jaehyun replied shortly, smiling for himself and then turning to Taeyong who also stood up and started walking to him.

Donghyuck noticed how Jaehyun's eyes immediately filled with sparks when they laid on Taeyong and panned him up and down. He smiled looking at the couple, feeling warmth spreading across his chest. He knew what both of them felt, it was clear as day. “Only if they weren't so stubborn,” he thought and slipped away to finally do his job. The two won't need his presence anymore.

“Y-You look great,” Jaehyun commented and put out his hand which held the flowers. “I got you a bouquet...it has all the flowers you like.”

Taeyong fought a smile that tried to overcome his lips, taking the bouquet and examining it. There were many kinds of flowers – roses, huge chrysanthemums, daffodils and then some leaves that were around it, helping the bouquet form a nice round shape.

“It's pretty,” he said lowly while looking downwards. “Thanks.”

Jaehyun let out a small chuckle, before turning to look through the windows of the coffee shop. “Well, we should go now. I think it's going to rain and I still want to take you somewhere.”

Taeyong nodded, holding the bouquet close to his chest as they left the Neo city after waving both YangYang and Hyuck goodbye. The duo walked over to Jaehyun's car parked right in front of the building and got in.

"So, where are we going?" Taeyong asked once Jaehyun drove on the road.

"Well, I know you said something about not liking nature anymore, but, I thought you might like this place."

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