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"Hey," Jaehyun greeted.

Taeyong blanched completely, staring at the boy who came in with a small smile on, holding a camera case and one of those long lights with umbrella shaped head.

"You're right on time! Jaehyun, was it? Our model just came too!" Ten exclaimed and jumped to the photographer. "You can call me Ten."

"I'm happy to work with you, Ten!" Jaehyun spoke happily, shaking hands with the the boss of the store. He then started to look around a bit. "Have you thought of what photos you want? I mean, in what part of the store and so on."

"Oh, I was thinking we could try a few different locations and afterwards see what's best," Ten replied, stroking his chin as though he was deep in his thoughts.

Jaehyun nodded. "Fine with me."

"Taeyong, go dress into the uniform, so Jaehyun can set his things up in the meantime," the boss ordered and both of the boys had no choice, but to do as they were told.

Taeyong went into the back room where he always kept his clothes and Jaehyun set down the light and put his camera case on one of the empty shelves, right next to some kind of crisps. He connected the light to the electricity and turned it on.

"I think it would be good to start with some shots of Taeyong behind the counter first," Jaehyun suggested, already pointing the light in that way.

"Mhm, perfect," Ten agreed. He then stepped closer to Jaehyun and placed one of his hands on the boy's shoulder. "By the way, do you know Taeyong?" he whispered.

Jaehyun was shocked by this question and he quickly stepped away from Ten so he wouldn't be touching him anymore. "Uhm, we just know each other a bit. But, there's nothing else."

"Oh really?" the owner of the store didn't move at all after Jaehyun pulled away. He had a small smirk on. "When you came in, he looked like he saw a corpse. Are you his ex or something?"

"Okay, I'm done." Taeyong came out of the back room, making Jaehyun let out a sigh of relief. He saw the smirk grew wider on Ten's face just for a split second, before it changed to a normal smile once he turned to face Taeyong.

"Uhm," Jaehyun coughed awkwardly. "We're gonna do some shots of you behind the counter so... Pretend you're scanning some items."

Taeyong nodded and got into the spotlight. His uniform was quite funny to look at. The oversized vest of dark blue colour was hanging off of him as though it was at least two sizes bigger. He had it zipped up halfway, showing a little bit of his tee underneath which was just plain black short-sleeve.

There was a tag pinned down on the left side, saying his name. Jaehyun had to cough away the chuckle that almost slipped out of his mouth, seeing that the uniform was making Taeyong look shorter than he actually was.

"I need to see your face clearly, try to look as enthusiastic as you can," Jaehyun instructed to the other who, in the meantime, has taken some random item and posed as though he was about to scan it, putting on a believably genuine smile.

He appeared very friendly and Jaehyun grinned while pressing the camera against his cheek. He took a few shots while talking with Taeyong, telling him to move slightly to a certain side or change the position of a part of his body.

Ten was watching intensely from the side, looking from one boy to another. "They look like a good team," he thought. "Jaehyun doesn't even have to explain himself too much and Taeyong knows exactly what to do...I wonder how close they actually are."

"Very good," Jaehyun said to what it seemed like no one and started looking through the photos he has taken. Taeyong came to look too and they both checked them with deep concentration.

"Boss, I think this is just what we need," the model beckoned Ten who has just woken up from his daydreaming and took the camera from Jaehyun's hands to show to him.

"These are really good, thanks to our good photographer and Taeyong's handsome face!" Ten laughed and pulled Taeyong's cheeks painfully hard, making the boy yelp in pain. He then turned to Jaehyun. "I don't think we have to shoot anymore. We still have something else to do before we open anyway."

Jaehyun nodded and took back the camera from Taeyong. "Got it. I will edit the photos and send them to you as soon as possible. I might make it today after school."

"I will send you the money tonight, okay?" Ten winked and then started walking to the backroom. Before he entered it, he turned to the two boys who now awkwardly stood next to each other. "Taeyong, you should help Jaehyun bring his stuff back to the car, huh?"

Taeyong didn't get to protest since Ten almost flew into the room and shut the door behind himself. He then faced Jaehyun who looked like he was way too interested in the ceiling of the store. It was obvious he was avoiding the eye contact and Taeyong noticed it right away.

He walked to the outlet and took out the light, then folded the cord and put the long leg of the light under his armpit.

"What are you doing?" Jaehyun asked once he finally gained the confidence to fully look at Taeyong.

"I am helping you...Where did you park?"

"Uh, right around the corner on the right."

Taeyong nodded and started walking outside. He looked like he was struggling with keeping the heavy light in his hold and Jaehyun had a lot of fun watching him fight the gravity. He walked closely behind him, trying to build up the level of confidence back to make a conversation.

"The black one?" Taeyong asked while panting heavily and Jaehyun just hummed, walking up to the car which was almost as big as a van. He unlocked it and opened the back trunk. With the help of Taeyong, he placed the light inside.

"Thanks," he whispered.

"Okay, I am going then," Taeyong was about to leave when Jaehyun reached out his hand and grabbed the other's tightly.

"Wait!" he exclaimed. "I need to tell you something!"

Taeyong looked at him with a mix of both irritation and curiosity on his face.

"What is it?"

"I talked to mister Suh, my teacher...about your photos. He liked them!"

"What?! He did?!"

Jaehyun nodded vigorously. "He said he has a friend who is hiring models and he said he would be willing to send him some of your photos."

Taeyong's eyes shined as bright as the sun and he smiled wide. "Are you for real? You're not making things up so just to have me talk to you again, right?"

"Really, I am not!" Jaehyun exclaimed again, a bit angrily this time. "He actually thought you're a professional."

"Wow," Taeyong sighed in amazement.

"There is just one thing..." Jaehyun said, having Taeyong look at him in confusion. "He said we need some new photos of you, so I was thinking...Would you come to my studio for one more photoshoot?"



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