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"So, how is it going now between you two?" Seulhyun leaned back in the chair, looking into the dark night as they sat on the terrace. There were lights of buildings and traffic seen, looking the same as if you'd look at a starry sky. From the house on the hill they were at, they could see majority of the city.

Jaehyun sighed deeply, gripping the cup of his steaming beverage. "Nothing changed that much, really. After the kiss, we went on like before, but...it's different. He's so much...nicer? The other day, he came to me by himself for an advice."

Bee clapped. "That's amazing! That's progress right there! What about that Yuta guy?"

"I realized I might have overreacted. I actually got to know him and he's a nice guy. And, he has someone already, anyway," Jaehyun spoke with a genuine smile on his face.

His heart felt at ease talking about recent events. These few days were much better than he could have imagined. Not just with Taeyong, but with his work too. He's been waking up excited and with the need to continue working on himself, Taeyong's relationship with him and his photography skills.

"Well, you have to think about the next step now," Seulhyun spoke before licking her lips and getting a long sip from the red wine in a high glass.


"Yeah?" she exclaimed. "From what you're telling me, you could classify as friends with benefits now, if not more. You need to keep pushing it! Ask him on a date, Jae. You two need to work it out already!"

"B-but, Bee...he might reject me... Shouldn't I keep it like this? Us being only friends?" Jaehyun said with anxiety almost seeping out of him.

"I know you don't mean that." Seulhyun pulled a grimace. "I can see what you feel in your eyes whenever you talk about him."

"I-" Jaehyun started, but didn't finish. He didn't know how. He sighed. "It's true. I'm just... I'm too afraid I'll scare him off. I feel I might be going too fast on him. After I've had him close for so long... I can't lose him again, Bee."

"I get you...I'd be the same with Johnny," Seulhyun said while nodding. She looked back inside of the house, where they could see the man she just mentioned through the long windows, making food in the kitchen. He must have felt their stares on him, because he looked up and gave them a smile they returned.

Seulhyun sent him a flying kiss and Johnny pretended to catch it with his hand and then kissed it, before going back to his work.

"I love him, Jaehyun," Seulhyun sighed as she spoke. Her eyes were filled with adoration and deep affection only. "When he left me for that one month...Only one month. I wasn't myself. I can't even bear to understand how you must have felt for years. But, you got him again. It's basically a miracle. So, if you have the chance to be the same as it once was...why not risk it?"

Jaehyun processed her words as though there was something slowing down his brain. He didn't want to admit it, but each time he thought about going further with Taeyong, it made his legs weak and he felt like his heart would combust. Even that kiss they shared on the stairs. He didn't think about it. It was a spontaneous decision. It could have ended horribly and he didn't want to risk it again.

But, the thought of waking up next to Taeyong, the domestic stuff like sharing clothes or things like driving together to work...Those thoughts sometimes completely overshadowed any worries he might have, it made him feel so warm. He wanted it so badly.

What to do?

"Is anyone hungry?"

Johnny's voice and the sound of door opening was heard and the two night owls looked his way. He was holding a tray with snacks - fruit, candy and even savory stuff.

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