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"Okay, that's the end of class. Remember your projects! You have one week!" Mr. Suh exclaimed as the bell rang and everyone stopped paying attention to him, getting grouped up with each other and discussing the project.

"Do you have someone in mind, Mark?" Bee asked. Besides Jaehyun, there was another one of their friends who sat on their desk, his legs dangling in the air. It was him, who Bee's question was directed to.

"I think I'll ask my boyfriend," he said. "He keeps calling himself ugly, so I might just try to change his mind."

"I still have no clue what to do," Jaehyun complained. "Can we photograph ourselves?"

"That's a good idea, but it's gonna make it harder for you," Bee shut his idea down.

"We should go think about it at Neo city, huh?" Mark suggested with a hopeful voice.

"Don't you live with Donghyuck? Why do you have to see him at work every day?" Jaehyun said with slight amusement in his voice. He liked pushing Mark's buttons, seeing how offended he would get.

"Just because you don't have anyone doesn't mean you can be mean to people who are in relationship," Mark stuck out his tongue to the other. "Besides, I don't wanna go there just 'cause of Hyuck. I want you to meet one friend of mine."

"A friend? Why?" Bee asked as she started packing her stuff into her bag.

"Well, since I'm probably choosing my boyfriend for the project, one of you could see if you want to work with him... He's a model, he has some experience and I think he'd take a job if he was offered one."

Jaehyun raised his eyebrow. "This friend of yours sounds expensive."

Mark waved his hand. "Nah. He'd even do it for free if you asked nicely. He just wants to model."

Jaehyun and Bee shared a quick look, before they simultaneously nodded in agreement.

Neo city was a coffee shop just at the end of the same street their school was at. With first step inside, you could see the unique style of the interior. Neon green and black were mainly used on the walls and decorations. It was a strange combination, but it surprisingly worked well.

The trio sat into the booth at the very back. Shortly, before they even managed to settle down, a very pretty boy dressed in white shirt and black pants excitedly came up to them.

"My favorite losers!" he exclaimed with a wide smile. "You want the usual?"

"Yea, sunshine. But, give us one more coffee. There's another friend coming," Mark answered.

"Okay, you got it in few minutes."

Donghyuck winked and left. Mark stared at his leaving posture with only love in his eyes until he was no longer seen.

He then looked back at Bee and Jaehyun to see them judging him.

"What?" he asked, confused.

"Nothing, sunshine," Bee replied, making Jaehyun burst in laughter.

"You two enjoy bullying me way too much," Mark pouted, folding his arms. "Well, nevermind, my friend will be here soon. His name is Taeyong, just so you know."

Jaehyun stopped laughing in that second, face forming into a frown. That name sparked something at the pit of his stomach. He knew that name.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door of Neo city opening and Mark starting to wave his hand, looking at someone with an excited smile.

"Taeyong!" he exclaimed and soon, a boy appeared in front of their table who Mark jumped to embrace.

Jaehyun froze completely and the other did too once his eyes laid on him. They stared at each other for what felt like lifetime, yet it's been only a second.

Taeyong's face slowly turned into a polite smile and he bowed to Jaehyun first and then Bee. He didn't say anything much after, maybe whispered a quiet greeting, before sitting next to Mark.

"Sorry, I didn't get to tell you we won't be alone," Mark told him apologetically, but Taeyong shook his head.

"It's fine," he chuckled. "So, these are your classmates?"

Jaehyun was still in the first state of shock, so he didn't even react when Taeyong spoke up.

"Why is he pretending not to know me?" he thought to himself. "Or, does he really not remember?"

"I am Seulhyun and this is Jaehyun," Bee introduced both of them. She was showing a wide smile to Taeyong who returned it.

He didn't seem like he minded Jaehyun's existence, or he must have been very good at hiding it.

"TY is here!"

Donghyuck's loud voice entered their ears before the waiter came and started putting their beverage on the tables. He was used to their favorite drinks so he knew right away what to put in front of each person.

"Hi, kid, how are you?" Taeyong asked, after he and Donghyuck's fist-bumped.

"It's the same everyday... Making money, so my bitch of a boyfriend can study in peace," Donghyuck answered sarcastically, getting a glare from Mark. He didn't seem to mind and continued talking. "What about you? Didn't you have that audition the other day?"

Taeyong's smile disappeared. "I didn't get in... But, it's okay, I'm used to it."

He sounded so sad, it actually moved something inside of Jaehyun. His jaw clenched tight and he finally took all his courage to look at Taeyong again. He was the same as he used to be, maybe a bit skinnier. It showed in how his cheekbones and overall, face, stood out. His features were sharper, more model-like. Jaehyun couldn't help himself, but recall to what it looked like to do a photoshoot with that handsome face.

He already imagined the theme he'd try out now, the set-up and everything else around it.

"Well, there's still a next time. Don't give up!" Donghyuck spoke those encouraging words while patting Taeyong's shoulder. "I have customers I have to take care of now... I'll text y'all later!"

Donghyuck left as fast as he came, leaving the four in silence. Everyone looked slightly awkward, except for Bee who was very occupied with putting sugar into her coffee.

"I need to use the toilet. I'll be right back," Taeyong suddenly said and left the booth.

Jaehyun bit his lower lip, split between two decisions. At the end, he stood up to leave as well.

"I need to use the toilet too."


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