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His hand was shaking as he held his phone tightly, staring at the message he's sent about an hour ago, telling the address of his studio.

He was scared, but so excited. Photographing Taeyong used to be one of his favorite things to do, getting to capture his beauty and then look back at the photos proudly. Even if they weren't the best back then.

Taeyong was astonishing. With his sharp features, he looked good from all angles, so it was easy to have him as a model. Jaehyun always thought he must have been the dream of all photographers, even though it wasn't showing on the amount of rejection Taeyong's gotten.

The sound of footsteps echoing throughout the long corridor outside the door caught Jaehyun off guard. He almost fell over once he tried to stand up, only keeping his balance by grabbing the tall camera stand.

Then, there was a knock on the door. Jaehyun jumped like a cat getting scared, throwing himself to the door, so he could open it.

Taeyong stood there with a stone cold face and Jaehyun could only stare in awe.

"Hey," Taeyong greeted and pushed himself inside the studio, clashing their shoulders against each other. "Wow, you have an actual studio? How'd you get money for that?"

Jaehyun closed the door and followed Taeyong in.

"It's great, isn't it?" he said and looked around his studio proudly. "It was actually my father's office before, but he gave it to me saying I need it more. All the equipment, I had to buy myself... So I worked part-time."

"That's cool," Taeyong commented with an emotionless voice, throwing his bag on the sofa which was in the corner, right next to a huge window which showed a beautiful view of the city.

The sun was still up, but since it was getting late, it was casting golden shadows on the buildings and nature.

"So, can we start?" Jaehyun asked hesitantly, peering at Taeyong and observing his reaction to the studio. He was scared Taeyong will dislike it, or the set-up, but he actually looked very pleased.

"Sure, is my outfit okay? You didn't really tell me what theme are we going for, so I chose something casual."

"Hmm." Jaehyun thought for a moment. Taeyong was wearing black tight jeans which were pretty high-waisted and a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up. He didn't have makeup on and if he did, it must have been just to cover some small imperfection on his skin.

"You look perfect," Jaehyun ended up saying. "I don't plan on showing your outfit that much on the photos."

Taeyong nodded and watched as Jaehyun started turning on the lights and pointing them to a white set-up in the corner of the room. It, indeed, looked professional, very close to set-ups he's seen at some of the photoshoots he had been at himself.

He didn't feel uncomfortable in Jaehyun's presence like he thought he would be. He could see the other was trying to be nice and not let his feelings get in the way, so Taeyong did the same. For the sake of getting the job done.

"Okay, all set up," Jaehyun spoke loud to get his attention and Taeyong walked over to the back-drop, in front of the intense lights and camera.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked and already started doing some random poses to warm himself up.

"Face to the left with your head. I want to see the right side of your face clearly," Jaehyun ordered, only looking at Taeyong through the viewfinder.

"Can I do the other side?" Taeyong asked unsurely. "I have a scar on this side and I don't want to trouble you with editing it out if I can just do the other side."

"No! I want to see the scar. That's the point."

Taeyong made a confused grimace. "What? Why would you want to see it, it's ugly...?"

"I didn't want to tell you the theme of the photoshoot, because I thought you might be too scared to do it...but the theme is actually capturing someone's insecurity... I knew you've always been insecure of the scar, but I like it so..."

"Jaehyun..." Taeyong whispered, now looking dumbfounded. "I don't know if I am able to...make my scar the star of the show. Can't you try something else?"

"Tae, trust me on this. Just try it. I'll only take a few photos," Jaehyun tried to encourage him, making his voice sound softer and kinder.

Taeyong sighed deeply, rolling his eyes, but at the end, he nodded. "Okay, I'll try... I'll try."

He stood in a way his whole body faced his left side and looked at the camera with an intense look he would use all the time. After hearing the snap of the camera, he changed the position slightly and he'd do that with every sound.

Jaehyun was fighting a smile which was trying to play on his lips, getting nostalgic feeling from seeing Taeyong through the small screen of the camera.

They continued for some time, until Jaehyun called it quits.

"Come look," he called for the model while yawning.

Jaehyun connected the camera to his laptop and they went to sit on the sofa to look through what they've done. With each photo, Jaehyun's smile grew wider, but Taeyong's face would get sadder.

"The scar's making me look weird," he said after. "I don't know why you thought this was a great idea."

"Don't be like that!" Jaehyun exclaimed. "These are great! I want to make them look a little darker, so I'll edit them a bit... But, I'm satisfied."

Taeyong stood up, hands balling into fists. "How can you be satisfied? Your teacher can't see those! If he sees them, he won't even think of promoting me to his friends... We need to try something different!"

"No!" Jaehyun stood up too. "This is what you used to do few years ago and you still do it. How can you be a model when every time you're photographed, you critique everything you see? Maybe this is why no one picked you yet! You're never confident enough!"

Taeyong's mouth opened wide in silent gasp. "Why aren't you a model then, smartass? You're confident, handsome, skinny and tall! Why didn't you stay in modeling after you stole my job? Why don't you just photograph yourself?"

"Because I felt guilty, okay!?" Jaehyun screamed as loud as he could, almost making Taeyong lose his balance in shock. "I never wanted to be a model. I tried it just because you kept telling me to. But, I knew it's not for me. All I wanted to do was be a photographer and have you as my model."

Taeyong shrugged. He picked up all his things and walked to the door.

"Use my photos or don't... I don't care anymore," he said and left, closing the door with a loud bang.



My Model ☆ Jaeyong & Markhyuck ✔Where stories live. Discover now