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The headache was prominent, attacking his temples and making his eyes hurt as he opened them and tried to adjust to the hot morning sun. Using his hand to shield himself, he sat up while groaning.

Taeyong firstly looked at his bedside table, trying to find his phone to see what was the time, but instead he saw a box of medicine and a glass of water, together with a note attached to it which said:

"Take medicine for the headache and drink a lot of water. See you at around 2pm for the photoshoot. Jaehyun"

Taeyong sighed in annoyance reading the note, scrunching the paper and throwing it somewhere into the room. And that's when he finally looked around. He was shocked to see his whole bedroom clean, all the mess he had scattered around just yesterday was there no more, instead neatly placed where it should have been.

"Did Jaehyun clean my whole apartment while I slept?" he thought to himself.

He didn't remember much from yesterday, only that he drank as much as he could to get rid of the embarrassment of having Jaehyun stand right next to him when they were in the club. And he did remember Jaehyun dragging him into his apartment.

He could already feel his cheeks flushing red thinking about how embarrassing the whole situation was. His ex had to drive him home drunk and even bring him inside.

Taeyong couldn't feel worse. The hangover wasn't helping with his state. What else happened yesterday that he didn't remember?

He started to look for his phone again and found it in the pocket of the jeans he still had on. His eyes widened in horror once he saw how late it was.

Time showing 1:30, he was running late already and he didn't even shower.


Only few minutes late, Taeyong ran into the building Jaehyun's studio was at, taking stairs in two or three to get there as fast as he could. At first, he only knocked, but he wasn't getting any answer, so he took out the key and got in.

Jaehyun wasn't there yet. He sighed in relief and collapsed on the one of the soft sofas, eyeing the room. The studio was neat too. The photographer didn't use to be so clean with his belongings while they were dating.

"Guess people do change," Taeyong thought and stood up again, walking around the room which was illuminated with the orange rays of the sun.

There was a big wardrobe that Taeyong was also interested in when he was there the first time. He stayed silent for a while in case he'd hear footsteps outside on the corridor, but he heard nothing, so he confidently walked up to the furniture and opened it with a strong swing.

From the first look, he could see a lot of folders and papers and then even some clothes and equipment, all messily scattered around the shelves.

He made a judging grimace, hoping for something more scandalous, but then he started to run his fingers across the documents, taking out a random portfolio.

Right away, he could see there was "Tae" written on the front with a black marker. It piqued his interest and he started flipping through the pages. It was all his pictures.

He was much younger on majority of them, maybe even when he was in high school. The shots were kind of bad, the lightning was low quality and even his poses were off and awkward.

Jaehyun kept all of the work they've done together? Even though they broke up so tragically? Even though some of the photos were god awful?

"Hey, sorry I'm late."

Taeyong jumped at the sudden voice. He didn't even hear Jaehyun come in since he was so focused. In shock, he let go of the portfolio and it laid flat on the floor.

Jaehyun now noticed what Taeyong was holding. With a small smile he walked over and grabbed the portfolio. "You found it."

"Sorry, I wasn't snooping around, I was just bored," Taeyong spoke quickly to defend himself, thinking Jaehyun would be mad, but instead, he just chuckled.

"It's okay, don't worry about it," he said and started flipping through the pages.

"Uhm, why did you keep all of these?" Taeyong asked, watching Jaehyun's face as he looked at the photos. It was as though he was looking at his children with a proud smile.

"Even though they're kind of bad, they were part of my journey as a photographer," he said. "Sometimes, I look through them and it's like going through a memory lane. I don't regret taking them."

"Ah," Taeyong nodded, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, can we start?"

"Yes!" Jaehyun agreed excitedly. "I wanted to use the sun today instead of the studio lights. Is that alright with you?"

Taeyong just nodded and then watched Jaehyun put back the portfolio, before walking over to one of the walls which was perfectly illuminated by the sunlight. He pushed away the sofa and took off the painting which was hung above, completely clearing the space.

"Okay, let's begin," Jaehyun sighed, went to take his camera and attached it to a stand. He placed it slightly to the side, so he wouldn't be casting a shadow at where Taeyong would stand.

The model checked himself in the mirror which was hanging next to the big wardrobe, smiling shortly at himself, before going to stand in front of the wall.

"Do I look okay?" he asked.

"Yes," Jaehyun answered, already looking at him through the camera. "Just pose like you're trying to look right at the sun. It makes your skin look very nice."

"Like this?" Taeyong asked and made a pose, standing with relaxed posture. He placed his hands as if he was trying to hug himself and looked out of the window. The sunlight was making his brown eyes look almost honey-like and his jawline seemed sharper thanks to the shadow it casted on his neck.

Jaehyun hummed and took a shot. Taeyong did a few more different poses, not too difficult. They were keeping it minimalistic and angelic.

They were mostly quiet, except for Jaehyun's small comments and it was comfortable for both of them. After few dozens of minutes, they decided to call it quits.

"Are we finally done?" Taeyong asked. "I mean fully with all photoshoots. I don't feel like doing any more."

"You're gonna do that as your day job, so you better get used to it."

"Well, I meant doing photoshoots with you."

Jaehyun froze at that, gulping away that bitter feeling which came from Taeyong's sentence. He gave the other a short look and then moved the sofa back. He sat on it and took out his laptop to look at all the photos they've made.

Taeyong slowly made his way next to the photographer and looked at the shots quietly as Jaehyun sped through them.

"I-I think I like these the most," he commented shyly and Jaehyun nodded in agreement.

"I'll choose most of the photos for the final cut from this photoshoot... They are good... I'll edit them and have all of them printed tomorrow to be sent to mister Suh's friend. I'll send you a copy."

"Okay then... I'll go now, I still have work," Taeyong said and stood up to leave. Jaehyun followed him to the door to send him off.

But, after Taeyong walked out on the corridor, he turned around and the two made eye contact.

"What is it? Did you forget something?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong panicked, mouth opening and closing like a dying fish. He had to take all the courage he had left to speak. "N-no, I, uhm... Thank you... Thank you for cleaning up my apartment and for the medicine."

And before Jaehyun managed to answer, he was gone. The photographer looked at the place Taeyong stood at with shock engraved in his face.

Slowly, a small smile overtook his lips as he closed the door.


We're slowly getting there ❤

- Sani

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