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"I don't want to go with you!" Taeyong whined as Jaehyun placed him on the passenger seat and buckled up his seatbelt. Jaehyun could smell all the alcohol the boy's had consumed and he knew it was a lot.

Taeyong was ignoring him the whole time he sat right next to him in the club, only calling the waiters to give him another glass.

"I'll just take you home, you dumbass," Jaehyun smacked his shoulder and closed the door, only to walk around his car to get to his seat.

He had some alcohol in his system too, but it was hardly enough to make him unable to drive. He could hear Taeyong mumble something only heard for himself as he started the car.

"Hey, don't fall asleep," he spoke rather loudly and kept pinching the other's leg to keep him up. "I'm not gonna drag you into your house."

"I'm not asking you to," Taeyong stuck out his tongue after he replied. He had hard time talking as his mouth seemed to not cooperate with his brain.

"Bee was out with mister Suh," Jaehyun spoke, mainly to himself, but loud enough for Taeyong to hear too. "I mean, I'm not surprised they're together, but I'm surprised they're brave enough to just walk around."

"I don't care," Taeyong muttered.

"Well, you should," Jaehyun chuckled. "That was the teacher who has the friend that might give you a job. You better hope he hasn't recognized you."

"Fuck," Taeyong groaned, letting himself fall against the car door and hit his face against the glass. "I'm so sick."

"Just don't throw up all over yourself, this is quite a new car," Jaehyun warned, reaching over to the glove compartment, meddling in it with just one hand until he found a crumpled up plastic bag.

"Here," he said and let it fall on Taeyong's legs.

Taeyong took it, face forming into a frown. "Why do I have to go with you? You should go with your own friends."

Jaehyun smacked his lips, finally starting the car and driving onto the road. "Donghyuck is too busy with Mark. It's your fault for getting so drunk you can't walk a straight line and I have to be the one to take care of you."

"You should have left me there then, you ass," Taeyong hissed and hung the plastic bag by his ears, so he had it ready in case of emergency. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were now shut tight.

"You're just gonna be more sick if you keep talking shit. I'm doing this because, uhm...mister Suh asked me to. Now, be quiet. We'll be at your house in few minutes."

Taeyong just hummed as a response, too sick to talk at that point. All the adrenaline and the good feeling from having the alcohol enter his system wore off as fast as it came. All that was left was emptiness and sickness deep at the pit of his stomach. He glanced at Jaehyun who was now fully focused on the road.

It reminded him of the past. This exact point of view - him being slightly intoxicated and Jaehyun having to be the responsible one, even when they weren't adults yet. Same situation as now had happened before. But, in those times, they would be laughing, Taeyong would be all over him trying to kiss his cheek and Jaehyun would pretend he didn't like it.

"Fuck you, Jung Jaehyun," Taeyong whispered, loud enough for the other to hear.

"What was that for?" Jaehyun asked, slightly amused.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

At that question, the smirk on the photographer's face vanished. "Why are you asking about a girlfriend? I've dated you. I could be with a man."

"Yeah, you're right," Taeyong sighed. "Only a man would be stupid enough to date you."

Jaehyun let out a huge breath which almost sounded like a cough. "Well, what about you? I could see you getting real friendly with the bartender at the club. Is that your boyfriend?"

"I wish. He was hot."

"You must have been drunk already, because I don't think we saw the same person."

Taeyong ripped the plastic bag off of his ears, revealing a cunning smirk. "Hm, I wonder why you're getting so defensive? Are you, perhaps, jealous?"

Suddenly, Jaehyun stopped the car, making Taeyong flinch. The boy was about to yell at him when he realized they had stopped in front of his apartment building.

"Well, thanks for driving me home. See you."

He quickly got out of the car, slightly struggling to do so, but then, he heard another car door opening and closing. Soon, he felt Jaehyun's arm grabbing his and pulling it around his shoulders.

Taeyong looked to the left in surprise, only to meet Jaehyun's face right in front of his.

"Let me go," he whispered.

"Nope," Jaehyun replied in the same volume, his voice almost getting lost in the distant sound of traffic. "You're gonna fall on the stairs or something. I'm walking you all the way home."

"You're so annoying."

"Shut up and walk."

With Jaehyun's help, Taeyong fished out the keys from the pockets of his pants and with a lot of difficulty walked a set of steps to get into the apartment belonging to him.

Taeyong was getting sloppier and sloppier with his movements as he was getting progressively more tired. Jaehyun had to basically carry him to his bedroom bridal style, throwing him on the squeaky bed which was in the middle of a complete mess.

"Wow, this is where you live?" Jaehyun asked, looking around with slight judgement in the tone of his voice. "No wonder you're such a bitch all the time."

"Get out now," Taeyong muttered, cuddling his face into the pillow. "I don't wanna hear your voice anymore."

Jaehyun didn't listen. Instead, he explored the apartment more, not paying attention to the constant muttering of his ex. He smiled triumphantly when he found the kitchen, taking one of the glasses which were left out to dry and filling it up with water.

"Where does he keep the medicine?" he asked himself. "Maybe, the bathroom?"

He stepped inside the depressingly small bathroom and looked through the cabinet and shelves. When he finally found the painkillers he was looking for, he hurried back to the bedroom.

"Drink at least a bit of the water... Also, I'm leaving some pills for you to-"

Jaehyun didn't finish his sentence. He didn't even place the things he held onto the bedside table. Taeyong was crying, sobbing into the blanket.

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you," he kept repeating while letting out whimpers and whines of sadness.

Jaehyun bit his lower lip, slowly crouching beside the bed. Taeyong wasn't facing him, but still, Jaehyun placed his hand on the other's back and started to stroke it.

"It's okay," he whispered. "Just cry."

"It's your fault...it's all your fault," Taeyong whined, almost choking on his saliva and tears. "Jung Jaehyun. It's your damn fault."



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